The words of Professor Neal are FORBIDDEN TO BE WRITTEN or SPOKEN but, because his name is mentioned on the HOMEPAGE as being part of School of Spirit I at least wanted to mention him on the website.
Again.. the words are FORBIDDEN TO BE WRITTEN OR SPOKEN. OBEDIENCE IS BETTER THAN SACRIFICE. Tina M. Martin Scribe / Ambassador (no words follow) God is worthy to be praised, hallelujah, and (-), and glorified. (-) Ay, In The Name of Jesus. Hallelujah. (-) Hallelujah. Well, Good Morning class. (-) It is another good day (-) in The Lord Jesus Christ, hallelujah. (-) Hallelujah. God is Good. Well, we are not going to lose much time this morning. We are going to (-) jump right in (-) to today's words. (-)
Hallelujah. Glory. Glory. Glory. Blessed is The Name of The Lord Jesus Christ, OUR Lord and Savior and YOUR Lord and Savior (-) and you will soon learn, hallelujah, why HE is called Lord and why HE is called Savior. (-) Each of those (-) "titles" means something (-). You are soon to learn, hallelujah, what they mean to you (-) and I know as you learn (-) and believe those things that are going to be taught to you while here in School of Spirit, you will become wiser in your living. (-) Making the necessary changes in your life, (-) to thereby be an Ambassador and Representation of The Kingdom of God. (-) Well, class, (-) I will go ahead and (-) introduce myself to you all. (-) My name is SOY and I am your Professor for today. (-) I am honored to be (-) standing before you all this morning. (-) I trust that you all are prepared to receive a word for today, hallelujah. (-) Hallelujah. Well, (-) I am aware that one of you had an inquiry concerning The Kingdom of God (-) and the things that you do not see, therefore you do not understand. I believe that was the words you used. You said, that you believe that, because it is that, you do not see. But you see, that is because you do not understand. (-) But, child, hear this child. Hallelujah. Seeing (-), as you say in your land, is not always believing, From the rising of the sun until the going down of the same the name of The Lord Jesus Christ is to be praised. (-) Well, good morning class. (-) I am excited to be with you all here this morning. Hallelujah. I am pleased to see you all that have made it in this morning. Blessed be The Name of the Lord God, for HE is worthy to be praised and glorified and magnified.Hallelujah. We shall bless The Name of The Lord, for HE is, ABSOLUTELY, worthy to be praised. (-) and glorified. (-) Ah, hallelujah, my God. (-) Hallelujah. (-) Well, as I look throughout the classroom, (-) I see that things are changing daily. Hallelujah. (-) Ah, hallelujah. Things are changing daily in numbers. Hallelujah. (-)
God, we understand that from the rising of the sun until the going down of the same that (-) that The Name of The Lord is to be praised. Hallelujah. Ah, God. (-) Hallelujah. Well, We're just going to meditate here for a minute class. (-) Okay. (-) Hallelujah. God is good. (-) Praise Your Name God. You are worthy to be praised. You are worthy to be praised. Hallelujah. (there is a song and then moments of meditation) Hallelujah. Praise Ye The Lord. Hallelujah. Praise Ye Jesus The Lord. Hallelujah. Praise Ye (-) The Lord. Hallelujah Praise ye The Lord Hallelujah. Praise Ye Jesus The Lord. (-) From the rising of the sun, ah Lord until the going the going down of the same The Name of The Lord is to be praised. From the rising of the sun, ah Lord until the going the going down of the same, oh hallelujah The Name of The Lord is to be praised. (-) From the rising of the sun, Jesus Christ (-) until the going the going down of the same The Name of The Lord is to be praised. Hallelujah The Name of The Lord, hallelujah, is to be praised. The Name of the Lord is to be praised. (-) In the Name of Jesus. In The Name of Jesus. (-) In The Name of Jesus. Oh God, I thank You today for this class. (-) Oh I thank You Father God for this class. (-) Ah, Thank You, Father God, that You know exactly what You are doing. (-) Ah God, (-) You have the perfect plan (-) for each individual, God, that is presently here in class. (-) Ah, God, I thank You today. (-) Oh, God, oh, God, oh God, YOU are SO WORTHY to praised. Yes, yes, YOU ARE. (then class proceeds) In the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, we give You all the glory and the honor and the praise. My Lord, You are worthy of all of the glory, hallelujah, and all of the honor. Ah, hallelujah, we praise Your Name today, for You are worthy to be praised. Bless that wonderful Name, hallelujah, of Jesus (-). Jesus alone is worthy to be praised and glorified. (-) Lord God (-). Oh, we bless Your Name God, for You are worthy to be praised and glorified, magnified, lifted up on high. (-) Your Name is worthy to be praised, God. Ah, from the rising of the sun, hallelujah, until the going down of the same sun, My Lord, You are worthy to be praised. Jesus is The One, True and Holy One. There is ONLY ONE GOD (-) and we bless YOUR WONDERFUL NAME TODAY. Ah, My God. HE is WORTHY, class. He is oh so worthy. (-) Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
Well, well, Good Morning class. Hallelujah. Oh, I am so excited to be here with you all today that are present. (-) Hallelujah. THE BLESSINGS OF THE LORD is here with us today, hallelujah. (-) THE BLESSINGS OF THE LORD is here, hallelujah. Oh, we give your name the glory and the honor, Father God. We thank you for these with us today. Hallelujah. God, we worship You today and we magnify You today. Worthy is the Lamb of God that was slain, yes, Worthy. Hallelujah. (-) (side note) at this time after hearing Professor Jah'shua say that The Blessing of The Lord is with us I got on my knees with my face to the ground because I recall how Scholar Semp'son fussed at the class about the Ministers being in the class and we had no knowledge and apparently was pretty disrespectful to them and while on my kness the Professor began to ask me questions... and the conversation goes as followed: Professor: Who are you child? (-) Who are you? Tina: My name is Tina, Tina Martin Professor: (-) Do you see (-) or are you just moving out of obedience? Tell me child, which one is it. Tina: Obedience. I heard that you came into Semp'son's class. I was there and we did not respond well. No, I cannot see you. I cannot feel your presence, but the speaker said that you came. I guess it's better to practice it. Professor: I see, my child. I see. (-) No other (-) have ever (-). Why do you think that you did what you did, my child? Explain that to me. Explain it to the class. Again, (-) why did you get on your knees? (-) Explain it to the class. Why did you do what you did? Tina: I did it out of obedience. When I was sitting in Scholar Semp'son's class, You entered and the JOY OF THE LORD entered and I didn't know you were there. But, Scholar Semp'son kind of went on, saying, how we were ignorant and that we didn't even know that two powerful Ministers had stepped into the building and we didn't acknowledge you guys. What a wonderful day to be in Jesus. Hallelujah. (-) Worthy is The Lamb of God that was slain for all of you. (-) You all have blessed The Lord today with your presence. (-)
We all are excited to see you all today that are present. (-) Thank you for attending class today, you all that are present today. (-) You all have come a mighty long way (-) and you should be very proud of yourselves. (-) Be very proud of yourselves. Think not yourself more highly than you should, but, yes children, you should be very proud of yourselves. (-) The numbers are not high of those that come up this high. Yes, I know the Scholars in time past have mentioned that we have had many classes and yes, it is true that this will not be the last. But, oh, not many, according to the numbers that are in your land, according to the number of people that walk the earth, not many come up THIS high, (-) ah, and we even loose those that do come up high because of a lack of integrity. Oh, but you should see yourselves and be very proud that you have come up this high. (-) It is a good thing, it is, when God is able to find those (-) that HE can Himself deposit into. HE asks the question always,"WHO?" (-) "WHO WILL GO FOR ME?" (-) IT IS GOOD. (-) IT IS GOOD THAT YOU ALL DID NOT COUNT YOURSELVES OUT, (-) BUT CONTINUED TO STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE (-) and while the Father GOD was looking to and fro, (-) GRACE AND MERCY brought up your name. And when I say, hallelujah, brought up your name, I'm not talking about in your earthly ways, in a conversation. As two would say, we were talking and so and so brought up your name. I'm not talking about that as if your name just ended up in the conversation. No children. GRACE AND MERCY BROUGHT UP YOUR NAMES TO GOD ALMIGHTY. (-) I can't begin to tell you the depths of what I am trying to say children, but, you need to know that your names were brought up. No, children, not out of a muck and miry clay place, no. No, He didn't bring your name out of a dark place. Children, your understanding is so small. but children, do get excited, that is was GRACE AND MERCY that brought your names UP TO THE FATHER. (-) Children, children, children, the things that you do not understand, my, my, my, my, my, but you will. Oh, yes, you will. Oh, yes, you will, children. We will cause you to understand. We will explain. Children, when you exit this school, you will have no lack. No lack in wisdom. No lack in understanding. No lack in knowing. You will have no lack, my gosh. Father God Almighty is worthy of your time. (-) He is worthy of your time, children, (-) oh, and I am so excited to see you all today. (-) You have been persistent and consistent. (-) My joy is, I cannot express it without blinding you. The Joy of The Lord, the joy that I have within me. I have to restrain it. (-) For if I were to express the joy that I have, it would blind you children. It would be so bright, it would affect the eyes, the pupils of your eyes, children. Ah, (-) you all do not understand. You all do not understand, but, do know that there are a people. There are a people that walk in your land that have been here and have kept their integrity and they are walking and living in your lands, your islands, your countries, counties, cities and states, your areas, (-) that have THIS understanding (-) and we are so proud of them and they do great exploits. (-) Ah, children, (-) we're going to go ahead and get started with this day. Hallelujah. Again, I am excited to see you all here today. Hallelujah. ( he begins to say a special prayer over us... and then the class continues) God is worthy children. God feels that you all deserve to know what makes this Kingdom of God strive. Many of you have concerns and the concerns are on different levels of things and we are deciding amongst ourselves whether or not we want to move forward with some subject or do we want to wait for a few more sessions, hallelujah, to pass.
There is no mistaking that God is King. The reigning King, that is The Lord Jesus Christ. |