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Tina Mary Martin - My Thoughts, My Words
There has been a PUSH for me to POST and then STOP.
I will be fasting in the month of October. It was October 27, 2016 when I began posting the WARNINGS of The Kingdom on YOUTUBE (crossingboundaries supernatural conversation) for mankind to hear in their hearing at the command of The Kingdom.
I did not have a social media platform prior to October 2016 .. no one knew who I was and many still do not know.. but it was God Almighty that spoke expressly and commanded me to RELEASE THE WORDS therefore I did and continue to do so as HE speaks.. The Kingdom has been mentioning lately " Ambassador, ? do you know it has been ALMOST A CALENDAR YEAR SINCE YOU HAVE BEEN CRYING OUT TO MANKIND".. I noticed that and they have said it several times, therefore I will move with the unction that I am feeling and begin fasting in October 2017 to prepare myself for what comes next, keeping my flesh under subjection and my soul (my mind, will and emotion) BOUND to the will of The Father.
I want to say a few words about the eclipse that happened in 2017.
All the people were on a high to see the wonderful event happen. After all had quiet down, around 9:30pm - 10:00pm the skies began to crack. Now.. it was not thunder, it was a cracking and someone recorded the sound of the cracking and added it to another "sky video" that it should not have been with but, as I viewed the "sky video" with the cracking sound I said: WOW! I heard that sound, I heard that sound in New Orleans, Louisiana. As the cracking was happening, it lasted about 4 minutes. I was lying in my bed in the backroom of my parents' home just listening and very aware that.. THAT was NOT thunder. When it finished I closed my eyes and continued lying in my bed and then suddenly something walked into my bedroom, I felt it walk in and it was HUGE.. I know it was HUGE because it blocked my fan ( I have a small fan in my bedroom that I use instead of the ceiling fan) and this entity blocked my fan.. I could not feel anything, there was no air going around it at all.. it was so 'blocked' that I opened my eyes thinking maybe the electricity had gone out and caused my fan to stop working, but when I opened my eyes IT walked out.
You see.. it PAUSED.. it (the entity) PAUSED in my bedroom as to locate me lying in bed, then it continued.
SOMETHING ENTERED OUR ATMOSPHERE PEOPLE THE NIGHT OF THE 2017 ECLIPSE... and it is here to accomplish The Word of God.
I find it strange that many who read the Word of God are finding the things that are happening strange... ? is this not the part when we are supposed to get excited because our redemption draweth nigh.
There is a small group of individuals that I communicate with and I tell them words like: OCCUPY - do not LIVE.
Prepare your families, train up your children. You see readers.. your family will NOT stay together.. many of you are not even ready in a "material / supplies in your home" kind of way because you are taking this whole thing lightly. You are waiting for some major sign to happen and THEN you will move, but what you need to understand is that there are millions of other people thinking the same way you are and right when you move to purchase your "supplies" there will be none or the price will be so high you will not be able to afford it or you will be forced to accept the mark of the beast in order to get those things that you want.
Your children parents.. they need to be able to STAND ON THEIR OWN.. you will become separated and if your children do not know the Word of God for themselves they will sell their soul for food or water and they will eat from a witch, they will trade food for sex.. men.. if your wives are separated from you.. can they stand on their own? Are you both on one accord? Do you both pray and fast or is it just one of you in the family that do so... then your home is DIVIDED and it WILL NOT STAND.
Do not say to yourself in these times of trouble and the up coming troubles that "God Understands" therefore you will steal to feed your family and you will kill another man for food. let me get REAL, REAL, REAL STRAIGHT with you all and say this.
You think if someone was to break into your home (in these times) that you can kill the intruder.. the answer is NO.. you cannot.. to DIE IN CHRIST is to DIE IN CHRIST...? what are you saying now as you read these words:.. ? well, what am I supposed to do, just let them break into my home and take my stuff... (I smirk as I say this) .. I say.. you can "fight" with them as to change their minds.. but let me tell you what I know... MURDER IS MURDER.. to kill a man is MURDER.. and NO.. God, The Great I AM, The All Mighty One, The Creator of Heaven and Earth... will NOT understand. Roll your eyes and suck your teeth now.. but , it will be ME, Tina Mary Martin, the Ambassador of the Most High God, She who will NOT will be I, who will see you in hell. because YOU MURDERED A MAN. And let me say this... I do not advise you to "challenge" my words with your comments that you may be tempted to send via email.. THAT... would not be wise. It is God Almighty who said already through the writings of John in the Letter of Revelation that THIS world will end, that mankind will be destroyed to make way for the NEW that will come.. and it will happen in our time. God Almighty said that we "will not see another decade" ( 10 years) .. but understand this... YOU DO NOT KNOW WHERE YOU ARE IN THE CALENDAR, therefore you know not how much time you have left.
I am excited about the GREAT REVIVAL that is on the way. The returning of many hearts unto Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master. The millions that will say YES to Jesus Christ.
It is ONLY LOVE that is causing the Most High to give this LAST CALL TO REPENTANCE... the LAST call.
The Kingdom of God mentioned that I will walk the land for THREE DAYS... now... I cannot tell you that I fully understand that. I do not know if it is literally THREE DAYS in every land I will be sent to, I don't know if THREE DAYS are as THREE YEARS.. I do not know.. but, my bags are packed, those that tithe into this thing that God Almighty is doing through me, I place those tithes on the side as to be able to purchase the ticket(s) needed to move as instructed.
A few have asked: have you received any additional Invitations Ambassador?.. the answer is NO, I have not.. I am simply in waiting now.. but, let me tell you what I know.. All of my "movements" will not be at the hands of an Invitation. Many will be as Abraham, Moses and the others.. where The Great I AM says: GO! and I will show you as you go. I know that I will simply receive a word to purchase a ticket to such and such place.. and I will have to be obedient and GO.. and the rest will happen as I GO.
Let me say this also.. I know that all of my movement will not be easy.. without troubles.. I will be going into different States, Islands and Nations where I will not be welcomed to do the things in which The GREAT I AM will have me to do... I have the understanding that I may be ( as ) Apostle Paul.. (imprisoned).. but. this is what I know also.. once heard of, the prayers of Debbie , LaTanya , JayGee, Lika , Shay and Corey will free me.. because it is the... that's right.. say it with me readers... it is the EFFECTUAL FERVENT PRAYERS OF THE RIGHTEOUS THAT AVAILETH MUCH .... as the prayers of those that prayed for Apostle Paul freed him... and I will supernaturally end up RIGHT WHERE I SHOULD BE.
I know who I am... I am Tina Mary Martin, the Ambassador and ONLY Female Scribe of The Most High God.. and I WILL NOT DIE. Let us all be OBEDIENT to the SIMPLE THINGS the Kingdom of The Most High God ask of us. It is written: FROM THE RISING OF THE SUN UNTIL THE GOING DOWN OF THE SAME THE NAME OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST IS TO BE PRAISED AND THAT HE IS TO BE PRAISED GREATLY. Now... many read those words and say within themselves "it don't literally mean that, you don't have to wake up at the rising of the sun and praise him in your house or in your back yard or in the local park"... but I, Tina Martin, say to you.. !YES!... !YES!.. that is EXACTLY what that means.
!TIME OUT for always looking back at David in the Old Testament and saying how he praised greatly and how he praised out his clothes... why not?!... is The Creator not worthy... ? has HE not done enough for you to provoke you to PRAISE GREATLY? What do The GREAT I AM have to do to encourage you to PRAISE GREATLY.. AND TO RISE AT THE RISING OF THE SUN. Was not going to the cross enough? Was not receiving YOUR STRIPES enough? Was not saving YOUR CHILD from their dying bed and healing your mother and protecting you from that bullet and preventing that car wreck and providing sudden finance and prompting your neighbor to check on you right in the middle of you having a dizzy spell and causing a cool breeze to blow on you on your hottest day not enough.... ? IS.. IT.. NOT.. ENOUGH?!
Why are we such a rebellions people?
Why must we die in our selfish ways?
Why must The Messiah's Blood be for nought?
I will be fasting in the month of October. It was October 27, 2016 when I began posting the WARNINGS of The Kingdom on YOUTUBE (crossingboundaries supernatural conversation) for mankind to hear in their hearing at the command of The Kingdom.
I did not have a social media platform prior to October 2016 .. no one knew who I was and many still do not know.. but it was God Almighty that spoke expressly and commanded me to RELEASE THE WORDS therefore I did and continue to do so as HE speaks.. The Kingdom has been mentioning lately " Ambassador, ? do you know it has been ALMOST A CALENDAR YEAR SINCE YOU HAVE BEEN CRYING OUT TO MANKIND".. I noticed that and they have said it several times, therefore I will move with the unction that I am feeling and begin fasting in October 2017 to prepare myself for what comes next, keeping my flesh under subjection and my soul (my mind, will and emotion) BOUND to the will of The Father.
I want to say a few words about the eclipse that happened in 2017.
All the people were on a high to see the wonderful event happen. After all had quiet down, around 9:30pm - 10:00pm the skies began to crack. Now.. it was not thunder, it was a cracking and someone recorded the sound of the cracking and added it to another "sky video" that it should not have been with but, as I viewed the "sky video" with the cracking sound I said: WOW! I heard that sound, I heard that sound in New Orleans, Louisiana. As the cracking was happening, it lasted about 4 minutes. I was lying in my bed in the backroom of my parents' home just listening and very aware that.. THAT was NOT thunder. When it finished I closed my eyes and continued lying in my bed and then suddenly something walked into my bedroom, I felt it walk in and it was HUGE.. I know it was HUGE because it blocked my fan ( I have a small fan in my bedroom that I use instead of the ceiling fan) and this entity blocked my fan.. I could not feel anything, there was no air going around it at all.. it was so 'blocked' that I opened my eyes thinking maybe the electricity had gone out and caused my fan to stop working, but when I opened my eyes IT walked out.
You see.. it PAUSED.. it (the entity) PAUSED in my bedroom as to locate me lying in bed, then it continued.
SOMETHING ENTERED OUR ATMOSPHERE PEOPLE THE NIGHT OF THE 2017 ECLIPSE... and it is here to accomplish The Word of God.
I find it strange that many who read the Word of God are finding the things that are happening strange... ? is this not the part when we are supposed to get excited because our redemption draweth nigh.
There is a small group of individuals that I communicate with and I tell them words like: OCCUPY - do not LIVE.
Prepare your families, train up your children. You see readers.. your family will NOT stay together.. many of you are not even ready in a "material / supplies in your home" kind of way because you are taking this whole thing lightly. You are waiting for some major sign to happen and THEN you will move, but what you need to understand is that there are millions of other people thinking the same way you are and right when you move to purchase your "supplies" there will be none or the price will be so high you will not be able to afford it or you will be forced to accept the mark of the beast in order to get those things that you want.
Your children parents.. they need to be able to STAND ON THEIR OWN.. you will become separated and if your children do not know the Word of God for themselves they will sell their soul for food or water and they will eat from a witch, they will trade food for sex.. men.. if your wives are separated from you.. can they stand on their own? Are you both on one accord? Do you both pray and fast or is it just one of you in the family that do so... then your home is DIVIDED and it WILL NOT STAND.
Do not say to yourself in these times of trouble and the up coming troubles that "God Understands" therefore you will steal to feed your family and you will kill another man for food. let me get REAL, REAL, REAL STRAIGHT with you all and say this.
You think if someone was to break into your home (in these times) that you can kill the intruder.. the answer is NO.. you cannot.. to DIE IN CHRIST is to DIE IN CHRIST...? what are you saying now as you read these words:.. ? well, what am I supposed to do, just let them break into my home and take my stuff... (I smirk as I say this) .. I say.. you can "fight" with them as to change their minds.. but let me tell you what I know... MURDER IS MURDER.. to kill a man is MURDER.. and NO.. God, The Great I AM, The All Mighty One, The Creator of Heaven and Earth... will NOT understand. Roll your eyes and suck your teeth now.. but , it will be ME, Tina Mary Martin, the Ambassador of the Most High God, She who will NOT will be I, who will see you in hell. because YOU MURDERED A MAN. And let me say this... I do not advise you to "challenge" my words with your comments that you may be tempted to send via email.. THAT... would not be wise. It is God Almighty who said already through the writings of John in the Letter of Revelation that THIS world will end, that mankind will be destroyed to make way for the NEW that will come.. and it will happen in our time. God Almighty said that we "will not see another decade" ( 10 years) .. but understand this... YOU DO NOT KNOW WHERE YOU ARE IN THE CALENDAR, therefore you know not how much time you have left.
I am excited about the GREAT REVIVAL that is on the way. The returning of many hearts unto Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master. The millions that will say YES to Jesus Christ.
It is ONLY LOVE that is causing the Most High to give this LAST CALL TO REPENTANCE... the LAST call.
The Kingdom of God mentioned that I will walk the land for THREE DAYS... now... I cannot tell you that I fully understand that. I do not know if it is literally THREE DAYS in every land I will be sent to, I don't know if THREE DAYS are as THREE YEARS.. I do not know.. but, my bags are packed, those that tithe into this thing that God Almighty is doing through me, I place those tithes on the side as to be able to purchase the ticket(s) needed to move as instructed.
A few have asked: have you received any additional Invitations Ambassador?.. the answer is NO, I have not.. I am simply in waiting now.. but, let me tell you what I know.. All of my "movements" will not be at the hands of an Invitation. Many will be as Abraham, Moses and the others.. where The Great I AM says: GO! and I will show you as you go. I know that I will simply receive a word to purchase a ticket to such and such place.. and I will have to be obedient and GO.. and the rest will happen as I GO.
Let me say this also.. I know that all of my movement will not be easy.. without troubles.. I will be going into different States, Islands and Nations where I will not be welcomed to do the things in which The GREAT I AM will have me to do... I have the understanding that I may be ( as ) Apostle Paul.. (imprisoned).. but. this is what I know also.. once heard of, the prayers of Debbie , LaTanya , JayGee, Lika , Shay and Corey will free me.. because it is the... that's right.. say it with me readers... it is the EFFECTUAL FERVENT PRAYERS OF THE RIGHTEOUS THAT AVAILETH MUCH .... as the prayers of those that prayed for Apostle Paul freed him... and I will supernaturally end up RIGHT WHERE I SHOULD BE.
I know who I am... I am Tina Mary Martin, the Ambassador and ONLY Female Scribe of The Most High God.. and I WILL NOT DIE. Let us all be OBEDIENT to the SIMPLE THINGS the Kingdom of The Most High God ask of us. It is written: FROM THE RISING OF THE SUN UNTIL THE GOING DOWN OF THE SAME THE NAME OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST IS TO BE PRAISED AND THAT HE IS TO BE PRAISED GREATLY. Now... many read those words and say within themselves "it don't literally mean that, you don't have to wake up at the rising of the sun and praise him in your house or in your back yard or in the local park"... but I, Tina Martin, say to you.. !YES!... !YES!.. that is EXACTLY what that means.
!TIME OUT for always looking back at David in the Old Testament and saying how he praised greatly and how he praised out his clothes... why not?!... is The Creator not worthy... ? has HE not done enough for you to provoke you to PRAISE GREATLY? What do The GREAT I AM have to do to encourage you to PRAISE GREATLY.. AND TO RISE AT THE RISING OF THE SUN. Was not going to the cross enough? Was not receiving YOUR STRIPES enough? Was not saving YOUR CHILD from their dying bed and healing your mother and protecting you from that bullet and preventing that car wreck and providing sudden finance and prompting your neighbor to check on you right in the middle of you having a dizzy spell and causing a cool breeze to blow on you on your hottest day not enough.... ? IS.. IT.. NOT.. ENOUGH?!
Why are we such a rebellions people?
Why must we die in our selfish ways?
Why must The Messiah's Blood be for nought?
More About Me, Tina
A handful of you have asked me about me; what I like, what I do... things of that sort, so to move in a cooperation of sorts I will release these few words:
I love to laugh.
For me to just bust out laughing at a thing said or something I saw is like the best to me. I actually purchased SEASONS 1, 2, and 3 of FRIENDS, because I enjoy that show and plan to take my travel DVD Player with me as I travel so when those moments of laughter are needed I can pop in a DVD. I like riding my bike and drinking caramel frappe'. I enjoy that statement can be taken loosely, because I do not like trying "new foods". In some cases when it is said, "I like to eat", it may be taken that like trying new foods, but I don't... I'm pretty stuck on the same ole same ole. Now, I'm not going to go through a list of things I do like to eat, but I will say a few of what I do not like to eat: GREENS (yuk!)... hate'em. I'll eat spinach and peas... but everything else GREEN you can keep it !YUK!.
I do not like strawberries !YUK! not even in the filling of a cake or on top of a delicious cheesecake. I'm not a fan of "pies"... lemon pies, banana pies !YUK!. I don't like oatmeal. I like CHOCOLATE !YUM! cake, snickers, kisses (with almonds). I'm a meat eater (minus) wild gain. I wiggle my toes when I'm happy or I should say "in my happy place" "comfortable".
I trust until there is given a cause or reason not to trust. I'm not a fancy dresser or "name brand" collector...I will wear what's put before me. I enjoy eye contact when talking with people. It says a lot. I don't like for Father GOD to be "putting me out there" the way it's going...this will be tricky for me. I go to bed early...and here's a KICKER'... I've been told I SNORE".. yes, yes... that's what I've been told...of course... I can't hear it.. so if you ask me do I snore...I'll say "I sleep like a quiet little bitty baby"... that's if you ask me.. so, if I end up abiding in your home... you can let me know if it's true or not. I'm a "homebody" as it is said here in the South ( I don't go many places) and it don't take much to please me. I'm 5'4, 178 (cute pounds)... some have asked for sizes so I will provide that as well.
I do drive, but I do not own a vehicle. I'm good with crowds, but shy with 1-12 people. My ears are pierced and yes, I like hats. I like to smell good (perfume wise) but I'm not good at picking elegant scents and I like purses (even though I only have two). I do not like "fruity" scents. I have no "real fears" and I do not like to travel... which is another KICKER...that I will be doing so much traveling. I'm not good with hair styling (laziness is what it is) ... so I wear the same ole same ole styles. I do not wear make up, I don't get my hair and nail done either... not very girly girly I guess. I exercise to be ready for the things of God (not to really be fit). I don't wear much jewelry. Diamonds are NOT this girl's best friend... PEARLS are (lol). I like pets: cats, dogs, birds. I enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning and I HATE tea. I enjoy a good chef salad (minus cucumbers) and I like some fruits: apples, oranges, grapes and pineapples. Well, that's all I can think of to share with you all. I hope I have answered some questions for you all.
A handful of you have asked me about me; what I like, what I do... things of that sort, so to move in a cooperation of sorts I will release these few words:
I love to laugh.
For me to just bust out laughing at a thing said or something I saw is like the best to me. I actually purchased SEASONS 1, 2, and 3 of FRIENDS, because I enjoy that show and plan to take my travel DVD Player with me as I travel so when those moments of laughter are needed I can pop in a DVD. I like riding my bike and drinking caramel frappe'. I enjoy that statement can be taken loosely, because I do not like trying "new foods". In some cases when it is said, "I like to eat", it may be taken that like trying new foods, but I don't... I'm pretty stuck on the same ole same ole. Now, I'm not going to go through a list of things I do like to eat, but I will say a few of what I do not like to eat: GREENS (yuk!)... hate'em. I'll eat spinach and peas... but everything else GREEN you can keep it !YUK!.
I do not like strawberries !YUK! not even in the filling of a cake or on top of a delicious cheesecake. I'm not a fan of "pies"... lemon pies, banana pies !YUK!. I don't like oatmeal. I like CHOCOLATE !YUM! cake, snickers, kisses (with almonds). I'm a meat eater (minus) wild gain. I wiggle my toes when I'm happy or I should say "in my happy place" "comfortable".
I trust until there is given a cause or reason not to trust. I'm not a fancy dresser or "name brand" collector...I will wear what's put before me. I enjoy eye contact when talking with people. It says a lot. I don't like for Father GOD to be "putting me out there" the way it's going...this will be tricky for me. I go to bed early...and here's a KICKER'... I've been told I SNORE".. yes, yes... that's what I've been told...of course... I can't hear it.. so if you ask me do I snore...I'll say "I sleep like a quiet little bitty baby"... that's if you ask me.. so, if I end up abiding in your home... you can let me know if it's true or not. I'm a "homebody" as it is said here in the South ( I don't go many places) and it don't take much to please me. I'm 5'4, 178 (cute pounds)... some have asked for sizes so I will provide that as well.
- Pant Size -14
- Shirt Size - 16 / 16.5 (Large)
- Dress Size - Large
- Shoe Size - 7 1/2 - 8
I do drive, but I do not own a vehicle. I'm good with crowds, but shy with 1-12 people. My ears are pierced and yes, I like hats. I like to smell good (perfume wise) but I'm not good at picking elegant scents and I like purses (even though I only have two). I do not like "fruity" scents. I have no "real fears" and I do not like to travel... which is another KICKER...that I will be doing so much traveling. I'm not good with hair styling (laziness is what it is) ... so I wear the same ole same ole styles. I do not wear make up, I don't get my hair and nail done either... not very girly girly I guess. I exercise to be ready for the things of God (not to really be fit). I don't wear much jewelry. Diamonds are NOT this girl's best friend... PEARLS are (lol). I like pets: cats, dogs, birds. I enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning and I HATE tea. I enjoy a good chef salad (minus cucumbers) and I like some fruits: apples, oranges, grapes and pineapples. Well, that's all I can think of to share with you all. I hope I have answered some questions for you all.
September 11, 2017
Additionally, I desire to say as a REMINDER to you all, the words of The Holy Ghost in the January 24, 2017 recorded conversation. The Holy Ghost / The Spirit of The Lord / The Breath of God says: DO NOT LOOK BACK WHEN THE KING CALLS FOR YOU. He says in the recorded conversation to remember Lot's wife. Lot's wife was instructed to run and (NOT LOOK BACK). It was the act of her looking back which caused her to not only remain "left behind" but also to be turned into a pillar of salt. There was no (spoken of sin) that was in Lot's wife that kept her behind unto a swift death but..
Readers,.. understand this: when The King returns you are not to look back, reach back or call for any of your family, friends, neighbor, etc., .. or.. you will fall. To look back (your action of looking back, reaching back) are WORDS unto The King that you desire not to go with HIM.
Your act of looking back / reaching back.. is an act of disobedience unto The King who is calling you and you will fall and remain left behind with that one in whom you reached for.
Now.. NOW... NOW is the time for you to be truthful with yourself as you look at your husband, your wife, your grand parents, your young and teenage children and find peace within yourself. Do not lie to yourself... you know that your children are not walking upright before God Almighty.. therefore to hell they will go, you know that wife don't pray with you or participate in anything concerning the Kingdom of God.. get peace with yourself that she will be left behind. many of us love our husbands and wives so much that they have become "our god" and we struggle within ourselves IF we can stand to leave them behind... but understand this: ANY MAN THAT LOVE MOTHER, FATHER OR CHILD MORE THAN GOD IS NOT WORTHY OF HIM.. it is written in the letters.
Time out for sugar coating and buttering up things. Time out for "ministers" avoiding the TRUTH being spoken in the sanctuary in order to keep "members". Being a "member" of ANY sanctuary will not "get you into The Kingdom" These days.. in this 2017 everyone is on high alert watching the seasons and the weather but this is not the time to watch for "signs"... signs have been for decades.. now is the time to train up your children (with what time you have left). This generation of parents are so lost now they don't know how to train up a child because they are not trained up. I write these words because I have the understanding that these words will remain even after I am gone (as long as technology be). Don't find it strange or be "awed" by the things that are happening right before your eyes.. just say AMEN. We say out of our mouths "God, have thine own way".. well.. that is what you are seeing.. though there is still a time and a time that must pass, but it takes not away from what you are witnessing which is: The GREAT I AM speaking this world out of existence.
He spoke it into existence and HE will speak it out.
Be alert readers... and pay close, close, close attention to the words coming out of (your) leaders (ministers) mouth.
?Are they still talking " God's got a blessing for you" ,
"You about to have a breakthrough in your finances" ,
" I see you with a new baby and I see you with a husband"...?
Are your eyes so wide shut that YOU cannot see that mankind in states all around you are accepting the MARK OF THE BEAST (I so boldly say).. that very "chip" that has been in the making for years is now being accepted by thousands. Are you that ignorant that you are going to continue to listen to "God's got a blessing for you" come out YOUR leader mouth.... ? Is there no concern for your soul and the preparation for these END TIMES?
When will the MESSAGE OF PREPARATION BEGIN, where is the LEADING AND GUIDING TO SOUL SALVATION, REPENTANCE, DELIVERANCE FROM: smoking, sex addictions, drugs, suicidal thoughts, perverted minds, adultery between husbands and wives, homosexuality, .... when will the deliverance of the people happen by YOUR LEADERS. ? Why is it the same ole, same ole every Sunday.. ? where are the baptisms unto repentance... do you wonder.. do you ever wonder? But, I say to you as the ONLY, CALLED, CHOSEN BY GOD ALMIGHTY, THE CREATOR OF THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH... as the ONLY FEMALE SCRIBE OF THE MOST HIGH GOD CALLED TO BE THE AMBASSADOR OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD.. when MY ORDERS COME.. and it is time for me, Tina Mary Martin of New Orleans to be loosed upon this land..."ministers".... OOoooo "ministers"... I .. WILL.. DEAL... WITH.. YOU.
Prophets ... and you see you " Bishops".. that are COMPLETELY OUT OF ORDER... I will deal with you. And know this, it will not be I, but The GREAT I AM THAT ABIDE IN ME.. you unclean, adulterous, sleeping with the body, thieving "ministers"
You have forgotten your beginning... but I will deal with you publicly... and you will know.. that GOD IS GOD. Parents, continue to teach your children to PRAY and I'm not talking about the ridiculous "now I lay me down to sleep" prayer... THERE IS NO POWER IN THAT MAN MADE PRAYER.. NO POWER.
Teach your children the Our Father Prayer, teach your children that they can stand against the wiles of the enemy while they are in school, teach your children to prayer so when they are being attacked in their night dreams they can use the name that has all power within it to fight against the demon that's attacking them. Pray out loud with your children... no silent prayers. Stand your children on one end of the hallway and you stand on the other and cause them to pray OUT LOUD for you and to you.. teach your children of the ARMOR OF GOD and how to use it.. teach your children to cast down thoughts and imaginations in Jesus name when they try to make a nest in their little heads, let your children pray at the dinner table, have a time set aside that you pray with your children and they pray for you,.. play war games with your children encouraging your children to use the Word of The Living God to fight back with, pull your children out those dis-functional "children churches" that teach them nothing... monitor what your children let in their ear gate and eye gate.. cause them to know the difference between righteousness and unrighteousness (according to the Word of God)... and by all means.. PUT AWAY THE MANY, MANY FALSE DOCTRINES THAT HAVE COME INTO THE LAND.... all these "new versions" of the KING JAMES WRITING, you are picking up on false doctrine and PUTTING ASIDE that which is closest to the original. Mankind have made available so many "options" that we all have turned away, put aside, no longer use the ORIGINAL (that which is closest). Even the very churches in the land are persuading you to TURN AWAY FROM the KING JAMES, there are ministries that place their own names on "bibles" and now you have the 'TINA MARTIN SCRIBE BIBLE ( I felt it was safer to use my own name than someone else).. but I hope that you are understanding what I am saying and they are persuading you to purchase that which (they) have put together.
Struggle not within yourself and say to me: "well Tina, the King James is not the original".. then I will say to you : " did I not use the word (closest)... you see.. as it is said: THE GREAT HARLOT WILL CONFUSE MANKIND AND CAUSE THEM TO FIGHT AGAINST THE TRUTH.. and millions, upon millions, upon millions, will be deceived.. why?.. because (you)... with your blind self... don't see nothing wrong with reading other versions, just like you don't see nothing wrong with sleeping with animals or men sleeping with men, women sleeping with women, cheating on your husband and saying what they don't know won't hurt them.
What do you want FALSE DOCTRINE to look like?
Do you want it to have a yellow sticker on it that say: FALSE DOCTRINE.
I guess you want the brother or sister that is infected with a disease to wear a sign around their neck too that say: I HAVE A DISEASE... things that are FALSE will never EXPOSE itself as such... just as that "chip" is not looking like the "MARK OF THE BEAST" that which all mankind will have to have in order to buy, sell or trade according to the letter Revelation... it is IGNORANCE that will kill us and is killing us. It is this free will we have that is entrapping us and causing us to be rebellious.
Readers,.. understand this: when The King returns you are not to look back, reach back or call for any of your family, friends, neighbor, etc., .. or.. you will fall. To look back (your action of looking back, reaching back) are WORDS unto The King that you desire not to go with HIM.
Your act of looking back / reaching back.. is an act of disobedience unto The King who is calling you and you will fall and remain left behind with that one in whom you reached for.
Now.. NOW... NOW is the time for you to be truthful with yourself as you look at your husband, your wife, your grand parents, your young and teenage children and find peace within yourself. Do not lie to yourself... you know that your children are not walking upright before God Almighty.. therefore to hell they will go, you know that wife don't pray with you or participate in anything concerning the Kingdom of God.. get peace with yourself that she will be left behind. many of us love our husbands and wives so much that they have become "our god" and we struggle within ourselves IF we can stand to leave them behind... but understand this: ANY MAN THAT LOVE MOTHER, FATHER OR CHILD MORE THAN GOD IS NOT WORTHY OF HIM.. it is written in the letters.
Time out for sugar coating and buttering up things. Time out for "ministers" avoiding the TRUTH being spoken in the sanctuary in order to keep "members". Being a "member" of ANY sanctuary will not "get you into The Kingdom" These days.. in this 2017 everyone is on high alert watching the seasons and the weather but this is not the time to watch for "signs"... signs have been for decades.. now is the time to train up your children (with what time you have left). This generation of parents are so lost now they don't know how to train up a child because they are not trained up. I write these words because I have the understanding that these words will remain even after I am gone (as long as technology be). Don't find it strange or be "awed" by the things that are happening right before your eyes.. just say AMEN. We say out of our mouths "God, have thine own way".. well.. that is what you are seeing.. though there is still a time and a time that must pass, but it takes not away from what you are witnessing which is: The GREAT I AM speaking this world out of existence.
He spoke it into existence and HE will speak it out.
Be alert readers... and pay close, close, close attention to the words coming out of (your) leaders (ministers) mouth.
?Are they still talking " God's got a blessing for you" ,
"You about to have a breakthrough in your finances" ,
" I see you with a new baby and I see you with a husband"...?
Are your eyes so wide shut that YOU cannot see that mankind in states all around you are accepting the MARK OF THE BEAST (I so boldly say).. that very "chip" that has been in the making for years is now being accepted by thousands. Are you that ignorant that you are going to continue to listen to "God's got a blessing for you" come out YOUR leader mouth.... ? Is there no concern for your soul and the preparation for these END TIMES?
When will the MESSAGE OF PREPARATION BEGIN, where is the LEADING AND GUIDING TO SOUL SALVATION, REPENTANCE, DELIVERANCE FROM: smoking, sex addictions, drugs, suicidal thoughts, perverted minds, adultery between husbands and wives, homosexuality, .... when will the deliverance of the people happen by YOUR LEADERS. ? Why is it the same ole, same ole every Sunday.. ? where are the baptisms unto repentance... do you wonder.. do you ever wonder? But, I say to you as the ONLY, CALLED, CHOSEN BY GOD ALMIGHTY, THE CREATOR OF THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH... as the ONLY FEMALE SCRIBE OF THE MOST HIGH GOD CALLED TO BE THE AMBASSADOR OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD.. when MY ORDERS COME.. and it is time for me, Tina Mary Martin of New Orleans to be loosed upon this land..."ministers".... OOoooo "ministers"... I .. WILL.. DEAL... WITH.. YOU.
Prophets ... and you see you " Bishops".. that are COMPLETELY OUT OF ORDER... I will deal with you. And know this, it will not be I, but The GREAT I AM THAT ABIDE IN ME.. you unclean, adulterous, sleeping with the body, thieving "ministers"
You have forgotten your beginning... but I will deal with you publicly... and you will know.. that GOD IS GOD. Parents, continue to teach your children to PRAY and I'm not talking about the ridiculous "now I lay me down to sleep" prayer... THERE IS NO POWER IN THAT MAN MADE PRAYER.. NO POWER.
Teach your children the Our Father Prayer, teach your children that they can stand against the wiles of the enemy while they are in school, teach your children to prayer so when they are being attacked in their night dreams they can use the name that has all power within it to fight against the demon that's attacking them. Pray out loud with your children... no silent prayers. Stand your children on one end of the hallway and you stand on the other and cause them to pray OUT LOUD for you and to you.. teach your children of the ARMOR OF GOD and how to use it.. teach your children to cast down thoughts and imaginations in Jesus name when they try to make a nest in their little heads, let your children pray at the dinner table, have a time set aside that you pray with your children and they pray for you,.. play war games with your children encouraging your children to use the Word of The Living God to fight back with, pull your children out those dis-functional "children churches" that teach them nothing... monitor what your children let in their ear gate and eye gate.. cause them to know the difference between righteousness and unrighteousness (according to the Word of God)... and by all means.. PUT AWAY THE MANY, MANY FALSE DOCTRINES THAT HAVE COME INTO THE LAND.... all these "new versions" of the KING JAMES WRITING, you are picking up on false doctrine and PUTTING ASIDE that which is closest to the original. Mankind have made available so many "options" that we all have turned away, put aside, no longer use the ORIGINAL (that which is closest). Even the very churches in the land are persuading you to TURN AWAY FROM the KING JAMES, there are ministries that place their own names on "bibles" and now you have the 'TINA MARTIN SCRIBE BIBLE ( I felt it was safer to use my own name than someone else).. but I hope that you are understanding what I am saying and they are persuading you to purchase that which (they) have put together.
Struggle not within yourself and say to me: "well Tina, the King James is not the original".. then I will say to you : " did I not use the word (closest)... you see.. as it is said: THE GREAT HARLOT WILL CONFUSE MANKIND AND CAUSE THEM TO FIGHT AGAINST THE TRUTH.. and millions, upon millions, upon millions, will be deceived.. why?.. because (you)... with your blind self... don't see nothing wrong with reading other versions, just like you don't see nothing wrong with sleeping with animals or men sleeping with men, women sleeping with women, cheating on your husband and saying what they don't know won't hurt them.
What do you want FALSE DOCTRINE to look like?
Do you want it to have a yellow sticker on it that say: FALSE DOCTRINE.
I guess you want the brother or sister that is infected with a disease to wear a sign around their neck too that say: I HAVE A DISEASE... things that are FALSE will never EXPOSE itself as such... just as that "chip" is not looking like the "MARK OF THE BEAST" that which all mankind will have to have in order to buy, sell or trade according to the letter Revelation... it is IGNORANCE that will kill us and is killing us. It is this free will we have that is entrapping us and causing us to be rebellious.
I just shared this revelation on a social media platform and I wanted to be sure to place it here as well. This is a WONDERFUL / TIMELY REVELATION of The FAMINE OF THE WORD that's coming. It is written in the letter that there will be a FAMINE OF THE WORD... the incoming of the FALSE DOCTRINE which is in almost every "members" hand.. that being ALL THE DIFFERENT VERSIONS OF THE BIBLE... because.. the DIFFERENT VERSIONS already take from the Word of God and ADD to it.. The FAMINE will be when we as mankind seek THE TRUTH.. The Holy Word (which is the King James - is the CLOSEST) will be no more. All that will be is THE FALSE DOCTRINE / THE MANY VERSIONS.. but not the REAL thing.. hence F-A-M-I-N-E.
I just shared this revelation on a social media platform and I wanted to be sure to place it here as well. This is a WONDERFUL / TIMELY REVELATION of The FAMINE OF THE WORD that's coming. It is written in the letter that there will be a FAMINE OF THE WORD... the incoming of the FALSE DOCTRINE which is in almost every "members" hand.. that being ALL THE DIFFERENT VERSIONS OF THE BIBLE... because.. the DIFFERENT VERSIONS already take from the Word of God and ADD to it.. The FAMINE will be when we as mankind seek THE TRUTH.. The Holy Word (which is the King James - is the CLOSEST) will be no more. All that will be is THE FALSE DOCTRINE / THE MANY VERSIONS.. but not the REAL thing.. hence F-A-M-I-N-E.
September 15, 2017
I understand now, after hearing the conversation of The Kingdom concerning the letters I will write to the churches and making them public. I understand now why the "leaders" will hate and want to kill me.. partially it will be because of the letters. Because you see, as I follow the instructions of The Kingdom; the words... that being negative or positive will be made PUBLIC ( placed on my website) for all to see and read, therefore characters may be exposed in some way. I understand now as I was holding a conversation with another that: my movement as it was Christ's movement as it is YOUR MOVEMENT that makes things happen and when we take LIGHTLY our assignment / weight.. then we disappoint MILLIONS and cause a hold up in The Kingdom and in the will of The Most High. We... fail to SEE our IMPORTANCE.
WE have a responsibility unto mankind but, we live care -less of the things that are riding on our obedience.. and WE.. cause delay . WE try to use our SACRIFICE to accomplish the will of God INSTEAD of our Obedience when it is ONLY Obedience that will move the mountain or the hands on the clock or cause that love one to return. We don't see our IMPORTANCE... you, we, us.. we are needed and we need each other. Somewhere along the way some one told us: "it don't take all that" and we relaxed and now we are so relaxed and have become all the more blind that we cannot see at all. I say to you: do not leave your life in the hands of another, I say to you encourage those who are striving to live upright and do those things that are right before the eyes of The Lord and STOP chastising them and pointing the finger and exposing each time they fall. There is a small part of you that want them to do better and to strive so that you too can be encouraged and know that " If God can do it for them He can do it for me.
STOP frowning upon individuals that are attending Bible Studies and Sunday service but are still obviously struggling with smoking or cursing.. how would you like it if the demon of homosexuality or masturbation were to expose you.... you would probable find yourself then heeding the words of suicide.. that vicious spirit.
Find a reason to encourage one another. Secret sins do NOT remain secret. Let the families encourage one another; the brothers and sister discuss salvation and finding out where you each stand. Don't be an island when you have a house full of people around you. If you are walking upright before them and being a light unto them, then that is all you can do but don't frown upon them because remember.. YOU WERE ONCE IN THERE SHOES. Try to remember and be compassionate towards each other for the time is present when the MARK OF THE BEAST is being accepted by mankind in ignorance. No.. it is not being screamed from the mountain top that the "chip" that is now being administered 'voluntarily" and later "mandatory" is the MARK OF THE BEAST... but it is the Spirit of The Living God that will inform you.
? Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed
? Have you been Baptized in water
? Have you spoke with new tongues
it is all written in the Letters ( Bible) that you may have right in your home with you. Read. Be not ignorant in these times. One will not be able to say: mommy and daddy didn't tell me, there was no way for me to read it, hear it, see it, I couldn't find the "right" church, I didn't have any clothes... no man will be with excuse... no man.
WE have a responsibility unto mankind but, we live care -less of the things that are riding on our obedience.. and WE.. cause delay . WE try to use our SACRIFICE to accomplish the will of God INSTEAD of our Obedience when it is ONLY Obedience that will move the mountain or the hands on the clock or cause that love one to return. We don't see our IMPORTANCE... you, we, us.. we are needed and we need each other. Somewhere along the way some one told us: "it don't take all that" and we relaxed and now we are so relaxed and have become all the more blind that we cannot see at all. I say to you: do not leave your life in the hands of another, I say to you encourage those who are striving to live upright and do those things that are right before the eyes of The Lord and STOP chastising them and pointing the finger and exposing each time they fall. There is a small part of you that want them to do better and to strive so that you too can be encouraged and know that " If God can do it for them He can do it for me.
STOP frowning upon individuals that are attending Bible Studies and Sunday service but are still obviously struggling with smoking or cursing.. how would you like it if the demon of homosexuality or masturbation were to expose you.... you would probable find yourself then heeding the words of suicide.. that vicious spirit.
Find a reason to encourage one another. Secret sins do NOT remain secret. Let the families encourage one another; the brothers and sister discuss salvation and finding out where you each stand. Don't be an island when you have a house full of people around you. If you are walking upright before them and being a light unto them, then that is all you can do but don't frown upon them because remember.. YOU WERE ONCE IN THERE SHOES. Try to remember and be compassionate towards each other for the time is present when the MARK OF THE BEAST is being accepted by mankind in ignorance. No.. it is not being screamed from the mountain top that the "chip" that is now being administered 'voluntarily" and later "mandatory" is the MARK OF THE BEAST... but it is the Spirit of The Living God that will inform you.
? Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed
? Have you been Baptized in water
? Have you spoke with new tongues
it is all written in the Letters ( Bible) that you may have right in your home with you. Read. Be not ignorant in these times. One will not be able to say: mommy and daddy didn't tell me, there was no way for me to read it, hear it, see it, I couldn't find the "right" church, I didn't have any clothes... no man will be with excuse... no man.
September 19, 2017
I have made another step people... tick, tick, tick,.. are you paying attention. .. this world will end right before your eyes with you in it. It is the KINGDOM OF GOD the AMEN who now has me ( Tina Martin) speaking to the churches as John in Revelation. It was Apostle Paul who wrote the letters to the churches bringing correction unto them by informing them of their fornication, not having brotherly love, etc., but it was John, the writer of the WORDS of He who holds the seven stars in His right hand and the seven candlesticks in which John wrote and they were the words of HOW THE CHURCHES WERE VIEWED BY HE who holds the seven stars in His right hand and the seven candlesticks. Churches now in 2017 think they are on the "right track" as they look at their congregation grow in number and the choirs sing on key... but how THE KING see them is a whole 'nother matter.
It is now I being led to deliver the WORDS in the (stars) / leaders ear on how they are viewed by God Almighty and I am instructed to now wear the Apron in which God Almighty had me to inquire of by the Governess: Lika (called such by The Kingdom of God) to make for me (Tina Martin) to wear as I step inside the MANY sanctuaries that He will have me to , to deliver the WORD into the ear of the star that be in that sanctuary. I have the understanding that every word to be delivered to the star will not be sweet to the tummy, but it will be theirs to eat. I mentioned this a little earlier but, I UNDERSTAND NOW why many "ministers / leaders / men- women/ of power will want to destroy me.." it will be for the WORD that will come forth concerning their ministry that WILL BE MADE PUBLIC ON THIS SITE for that is the instruction I have received from The Kingdom of God.
? Do I walk by faith and not by sight -- YES
? Do I fear the looks on the people faces -- NO
When you KNOW, that you KNOW, that you KNOW who you are, what you walk in and the authority that has been given to you with the company of LLYE... ? who should I fear.. I ask you.
Is it not written in the letter:
MATTHEW 10: 28
... ? is that not written. I say this with BOLDNESS and then I will end these words for now: WHEN I STEP INTO YOUR SANCTUARY (if I do) because it's not like God Almighty, The GREAT I AM have to have me present in your sanctuary to receive the WORDS concerning it... but, when I step into your sanctuary.. it is for ONE REASON: to receive the WORD from The Kingdom of God for YOUR church. Latanya once mentioned while talking to myself and another group of ladies that: "I don't think the Scribe know who she is or what she's doing but... SHE'S MAKING HISTORY RIGHT BEFORE OUR EYES".. I can say as I think upon that statement now almost six months later and say. !AMEN!, you are correct Latanya .. I am making history.. so be it.
It is now I being led to deliver the WORDS in the (stars) / leaders ear on how they are viewed by God Almighty and I am instructed to now wear the Apron in which God Almighty had me to inquire of by the Governess: Lika (called such by The Kingdom of God) to make for me (Tina Martin) to wear as I step inside the MANY sanctuaries that He will have me to , to deliver the WORD into the ear of the star that be in that sanctuary. I have the understanding that every word to be delivered to the star will not be sweet to the tummy, but it will be theirs to eat. I mentioned this a little earlier but, I UNDERSTAND NOW why many "ministers / leaders / men- women/ of power will want to destroy me.." it will be for the WORD that will come forth concerning their ministry that WILL BE MADE PUBLIC ON THIS SITE for that is the instruction I have received from The Kingdom of God.
? Do I walk by faith and not by sight -- YES
? Do I fear the looks on the people faces -- NO
When you KNOW, that you KNOW, that you KNOW who you are, what you walk in and the authority that has been given to you with the company of LLYE... ? who should I fear.. I ask you.
Is it not written in the letter:
MATTHEW 10: 28
... ? is that not written. I say this with BOLDNESS and then I will end these words for now: WHEN I STEP INTO YOUR SANCTUARY (if I do) because it's not like God Almighty, The GREAT I AM have to have me present in your sanctuary to receive the WORDS concerning it... but, when I step into your sanctuary.. it is for ONE REASON: to receive the WORD from The Kingdom of God for YOUR church. Latanya once mentioned while talking to myself and another group of ladies that: "I don't think the Scribe know who she is or what she's doing but... SHE'S MAKING HISTORY RIGHT BEFORE OUR EYES".. I can say as I think upon that statement now almost six months later and say. !AMEN!, you are correct Latanya .. I am making history.. so be it.
September 28, 2017
Considering the calamities that are happening in Texas and Mexico and even London at this time with the bombings.. I take not away from those calamities but, when you walk outside your doors when you do.. aren't the skies beautiful, the birds are still singing, the trees are at their greenest (getting ready for the change of season of course).. and yet.. THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT IS STILL COMING TO AN END. When the Most High instructed Noah to build the ark, the people still continued in "their norm" .. as they should I guess. Even for those of us who are very much aware that the times that are now and that which is before us will be very chaotic... still we must continue to occupy. So, as The Most High gave the word to ONE (Noah) to build an ark with purpose, and we know that the purpose was for the saving of his family and the animals that were called BY THE MOST HIGH to obedience and to board the ark accordingly. Isn't that wonderful how THE MOST HIGH can speak and all things come into obedience and order and HE can speak again and then SUDDEN CHAOS.
So the Most High spoke to ONE, gave instructions and he moved in obedience, though the "world" looked on with curiosity and wonder.. and yes, some laughed not knowing or understanding for what reason he was building such a "boat".. unaware that .. that "boat" was a sign unto their end. So, we fast forward and we look to me (Tina Mary Martin)... ONE in whom THE MOST HIGH have spoken to .. to do what... pack your bags for I will send you abroad and you too Tina will be a sign unto the people of their end. What I know is ( as The Kingdom has told me) many of you who read and listen to the conversations from The Kingdom do so out of "curiosity" ... not that you quite believe.. you are simply curious.
As you compare THE KINGDOM conversations to the dreams / visions and words from other witnesses. You see, those individuals that are sharing their "visions", "dreams" and "experiences" with you.. they are witnesses. The GREAT I AM have given them a glimpse of a thing and they have been unctioned to tell or instructed to tell. For you see.. it is NOT the will of The Father that any man should perish... but, they will have ever lasting life. So, it was The GREAT I AM who instructed me to release the warnings to mankind that HE was giving to me. I know, I know... I came from out of "no where".. but.. you see.. I have been here the whole time, in preparation for the great things that the GREAT I AM will have me to do.
There was a lady who asked the question, she said.." God is great, He can speak to mankind himself and he can handle all matters by himself, why would he send you (just you)... (one person) to do such a thing?
All I could do was smile and say... " He is GREAT isn't He".
I continued and said: " I don't know why He would send ONE Moses, ONE Abraham, ONE Jonah, ONE Sampson, ONE Isaiah, ONE Haggai, ONE Daniel, ONE Obadiah or ONE Tina..." a female".. but.. well, HE's GOD.. and He does exactly what He wants. I continued and asked her: ? Do you think I made myself too "available". ? Do you think I prayed too much, ? Do you think that tabernacle in my home is OVER THE TOP ?! I looked and said.. " Ma'am.. ask GOD, the GREAT ONE.. go into your prayer closet and YOU question THE GREAT ONE on why HE chose me... and then come back and tell me all about it.
.. "kinda smart mouth of me wasn't it?"... no it wasn't.. you see.. I KNOW who I am. It is GOD ALMIGHTY who placed me in this position of Ambassador and it is ONLY GOD who can take me out of it. When God Almighty instructed me to start making the warnings public, I.. sat in front my laptop and read to you in the beginning what thus said God.. but then I thought about it.. and later God confirmed it.. it was not me that you should hear from, it's not me that you need to see on the screen of your phone, laptop, desk top or tablet.. it was the WORDS OF THE KINGDOM you needed to hear, not me, it was the compassion, anger, frustration and instructions you needed to hear from the Kingdom.. so I took myself out of the picture and gave you STRAIGHT CONVERSATION. I let YOU hear for YOURSELF the words from The Kingdom, let YOU hear the character(s) of the Kingdom. They are not floating up there in "slow motion" with horns in their mouths. They are characters and individuals with feelings. They move under the obedience of The Most High God who sits on the Throne and is a laborer of nothing. It is Jesus The KING that walks the grounds of The Kingdom. So I released the UNCUT / UNEDITED conversations between myself ( Tina Mary Martin) and The Kingdom of God for YOU to hear for YOURSELF so you can judge what you hear. My son made a comment once, he said: " Mah' do you know.. and do mankind understand that IF you are faking this whole thing and telling people you are the Scribe and now Ambassador and making up all these words and characters ... that YOU WOULD BUST HELL WIDE OPEN"... I had to look at my son, my only son and say.. you know what son, you are right... IF.. those that listen to these HEAVENLY CONVERSATIONS (third heaven kind of stuff) can listen and say I AM FAKING.. oh yeah.. sure nuff... there is a lake of fire SPECIFICALLY FOR ME.
There was a gentleman that once asked: ?what are you channeling into to make that happen"... smh.. I feel VERY, VERY, VERY sorry for his soul. I gave no response, his words were grave.. all I could do was delete the message.
Some still ask: Why don't you make some more talking / showing my face on the camera video".. all I can say is that it's not about me. I have no words. If The Kingdom is not talking.. I don't have ANYTHING to say. I have no wisdom and understanding of a thing. I am not a "scholar" of The Word. I have NOTHING to add to the words The Kingdom speaks.. as one of the Professors said in school of Spirit.. he said:
You are in a Higher Education School, you know NOTHING and you have NOTHING to add to ANYTHING that we say. Your books in your land do NOT tell it all therefore, when we speak and give you information... DON'T RAISE YOUR HAND AS YOU DO IN YOUR EARTHLY SCHOOL AND SAY " YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO ADD"... you are ignorant.. and you know NOTHING.. !REMEMBER THAT! With that being said, I have an answer I would like to give to my spiritual big brother Noel : the question was asked: ? when you were in School of Spirit.. ( oh.. and I want to add this).. when writing the name of the school "School of Spirit" it was NOT allowed to be "abbreviated" as we would do in the land.. the school is excellent and you DO NOT abbreviate excellence.. okay, let me continue with the answer,
QUESTION he asked when you were in School of Spirit the teacher said that " They will not tolerate ignorance".. how can you be ignorant when you were there to learn.
(ANSWER) - it was our mindset big brother. The Scholars, Professors, General and all the host were able to read / see inside our minds and even now when we are in our "earthly schools" when the teachers are talking, WE are talking back to them (in our minds).. correcting them in our minds, saying within our self : why don't they write that differently... so, when it came to them NOT tolerating our ignorance .. it was us SHUTTING OUR MOUTHS AND THOUGHTS AND LISTENING.
It didn't matter how "educated" you were you were not educated enough.
It's like a Private in the Military trying to correct a General.. YOU NEED TO STAND DOWN SOLDIER!.
You had to keep your MIND aligned with what they were saying and be receptive.
I communicate with one in London and she said: FAMILIARITY CAN CREATE BLINDNESS and that is very true. There were times in school when the Teacher would say things that we were familiar with like" From the rising of the sun until the going down of the same the name of The Lord is to be praised".. that saying is very common in the churches, yet the Scholars, Professor and Generals CONSTANTLY REPEATED IT, because in the beginning we were not hearing them, I know I wasn't because I was like:.. Oh, I know that saying... but.. I wasn't LIVING that saying... therefore hence.. IGNORANCE.
When in the classes the language was HARSH.. we heard words like: viper, snakes, dogs, vomit, dust, air, snares.. all words that were directed to us as to "name call".. and IF.. as many did.... IF you got your "soul".. which is your mind, your will and your emotions... if you let that get in the way.. you would walk out the class and quit the school.. because you think you're better than that or they don't know who i am or who you think you talking to ... when your SOUL flared up.. they knew it. many started the class, but not many ended. So.. now let me get back to the conversations and say these last words: The conversation.. and let me add this.. it is a BEAUTIFUL, HUMBLING THING to be able and or allowed to listen in on the CONVERSATION OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD. we all know by now that Felix LOVES to talk.. and he is quite lazy.. but loved, loved, loved.. I kinda' can't wait to hang out with him... AFTER I locate Enoch and show him some love... Enoch (in my opinion " is a bad mamma' jamma'.)
So, please.. if you haven't already.. judge the conversations for yourself and if you believe that the conversations are of The Kingdom of The Most High God.. WARN OTHERS of the calamities that are coming to the land... while there is yet TIME standing.
So the Most High spoke to ONE, gave instructions and he moved in obedience, though the "world" looked on with curiosity and wonder.. and yes, some laughed not knowing or understanding for what reason he was building such a "boat".. unaware that .. that "boat" was a sign unto their end. So, we fast forward and we look to me (Tina Mary Martin)... ONE in whom THE MOST HIGH have spoken to .. to do what... pack your bags for I will send you abroad and you too Tina will be a sign unto the people of their end. What I know is ( as The Kingdom has told me) many of you who read and listen to the conversations from The Kingdom do so out of "curiosity" ... not that you quite believe.. you are simply curious.
As you compare THE KINGDOM conversations to the dreams / visions and words from other witnesses. You see, those individuals that are sharing their "visions", "dreams" and "experiences" with you.. they are witnesses. The GREAT I AM have given them a glimpse of a thing and they have been unctioned to tell or instructed to tell. For you see.. it is NOT the will of The Father that any man should perish... but, they will have ever lasting life. So, it was The GREAT I AM who instructed me to release the warnings to mankind that HE was giving to me. I know, I know... I came from out of "no where".. but.. you see.. I have been here the whole time, in preparation for the great things that the GREAT I AM will have me to do.
There was a lady who asked the question, she said.." God is great, He can speak to mankind himself and he can handle all matters by himself, why would he send you (just you)... (one person) to do such a thing?
All I could do was smile and say... " He is GREAT isn't He".
I continued and said: " I don't know why He would send ONE Moses, ONE Abraham, ONE Jonah, ONE Sampson, ONE Isaiah, ONE Haggai, ONE Daniel, ONE Obadiah or ONE Tina..." a female".. but.. well, HE's GOD.. and He does exactly what He wants. I continued and asked her: ? Do you think I made myself too "available". ? Do you think I prayed too much, ? Do you think that tabernacle in my home is OVER THE TOP ?! I looked and said.. " Ma'am.. ask GOD, the GREAT ONE.. go into your prayer closet and YOU question THE GREAT ONE on why HE chose me... and then come back and tell me all about it.
.. "kinda smart mouth of me wasn't it?"... no it wasn't.. you see.. I KNOW who I am. It is GOD ALMIGHTY who placed me in this position of Ambassador and it is ONLY GOD who can take me out of it. When God Almighty instructed me to start making the warnings public, I.. sat in front my laptop and read to you in the beginning what thus said God.. but then I thought about it.. and later God confirmed it.. it was not me that you should hear from, it's not me that you need to see on the screen of your phone, laptop, desk top or tablet.. it was the WORDS OF THE KINGDOM you needed to hear, not me, it was the compassion, anger, frustration and instructions you needed to hear from the Kingdom.. so I took myself out of the picture and gave you STRAIGHT CONVERSATION. I let YOU hear for YOURSELF the words from The Kingdom, let YOU hear the character(s) of the Kingdom. They are not floating up there in "slow motion" with horns in their mouths. They are characters and individuals with feelings. They move under the obedience of The Most High God who sits on the Throne and is a laborer of nothing. It is Jesus The KING that walks the grounds of The Kingdom. So I released the UNCUT / UNEDITED conversations between myself ( Tina Mary Martin) and The Kingdom of God for YOU to hear for YOURSELF so you can judge what you hear. My son made a comment once, he said: " Mah' do you know.. and do mankind understand that IF you are faking this whole thing and telling people you are the Scribe and now Ambassador and making up all these words and characters ... that YOU WOULD BUST HELL WIDE OPEN"... I had to look at my son, my only son and say.. you know what son, you are right... IF.. those that listen to these HEAVENLY CONVERSATIONS (third heaven kind of stuff) can listen and say I AM FAKING.. oh yeah.. sure nuff... there is a lake of fire SPECIFICALLY FOR ME.
There was a gentleman that once asked: ?what are you channeling into to make that happen"... smh.. I feel VERY, VERY, VERY sorry for his soul. I gave no response, his words were grave.. all I could do was delete the message.
Some still ask: Why don't you make some more talking / showing my face on the camera video".. all I can say is that it's not about me. I have no words. If The Kingdom is not talking.. I don't have ANYTHING to say. I have no wisdom and understanding of a thing. I am not a "scholar" of The Word. I have NOTHING to add to the words The Kingdom speaks.. as one of the Professors said in school of Spirit.. he said:
You are in a Higher Education School, you know NOTHING and you have NOTHING to add to ANYTHING that we say. Your books in your land do NOT tell it all therefore, when we speak and give you information... DON'T RAISE YOUR HAND AS YOU DO IN YOUR EARTHLY SCHOOL AND SAY " YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO ADD"... you are ignorant.. and you know NOTHING.. !REMEMBER THAT! With that being said, I have an answer I would like to give to my spiritual big brother Noel : the question was asked: ? when you were in School of Spirit.. ( oh.. and I want to add this).. when writing the name of the school "School of Spirit" it was NOT allowed to be "abbreviated" as we would do in the land.. the school is excellent and you DO NOT abbreviate excellence.. okay, let me continue with the answer,
QUESTION he asked when you were in School of Spirit the teacher said that " They will not tolerate ignorance".. how can you be ignorant when you were there to learn.
(ANSWER) - it was our mindset big brother. The Scholars, Professors, General and all the host were able to read / see inside our minds and even now when we are in our "earthly schools" when the teachers are talking, WE are talking back to them (in our minds).. correcting them in our minds, saying within our self : why don't they write that differently... so, when it came to them NOT tolerating our ignorance .. it was us SHUTTING OUR MOUTHS AND THOUGHTS AND LISTENING.
It didn't matter how "educated" you were you were not educated enough.
It's like a Private in the Military trying to correct a General.. YOU NEED TO STAND DOWN SOLDIER!.
You had to keep your MIND aligned with what they were saying and be receptive.
I communicate with one in London and she said: FAMILIARITY CAN CREATE BLINDNESS and that is very true. There were times in school when the Teacher would say things that we were familiar with like" From the rising of the sun until the going down of the same the name of The Lord is to be praised".. that saying is very common in the churches, yet the Scholars, Professor and Generals CONSTANTLY REPEATED IT, because in the beginning we were not hearing them, I know I wasn't because I was like:.. Oh, I know that saying... but.. I wasn't LIVING that saying... therefore hence.. IGNORANCE.
When in the classes the language was HARSH.. we heard words like: viper, snakes, dogs, vomit, dust, air, snares.. all words that were directed to us as to "name call".. and IF.. as many did.... IF you got your "soul".. which is your mind, your will and your emotions... if you let that get in the way.. you would walk out the class and quit the school.. because you think you're better than that or they don't know who i am or who you think you talking to ... when your SOUL flared up.. they knew it. many started the class, but not many ended. So.. now let me get back to the conversations and say these last words: The conversation.. and let me add this.. it is a BEAUTIFUL, HUMBLING THING to be able and or allowed to listen in on the CONVERSATION OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD. we all know by now that Felix LOVES to talk.. and he is quite lazy.. but loved, loved, loved.. I kinda' can't wait to hang out with him... AFTER I locate Enoch and show him some love... Enoch (in my opinion " is a bad mamma' jamma'.)
So, please.. if you haven't already.. judge the conversations for yourself and if you believe that the conversations are of The Kingdom of The Most High God.. WARN OTHERS of the calamities that are coming to the land... while there is yet TIME standing.
October 22, 2017
Today I will be baptizing a Airman in the US MILITARY and I feel led to say these words concerning baptisms. To those of you that are coming together as a community (i.e neighbors coming together, schools, etc.), that may be considering sending an invitation.. (MY SUGGESTION) to you.. this is not The Kingdom, its just me Tina suggesting this as (according to The Council of God) some invitations MAY BE DENIED. When it comes to you wanting to put together a time of baptisms where you wish to invite The Council of God, Llye and myself.. that you FIRST send the invitation to see IF I will be permitted to come.. THEN .. once you receive your response from The Council of God you will know whether you can proceed with the gathering because you received a YEA or not to proceed with the gathering because you received a NAY.
Again.. I felt a strong unction to write these words therefore I did. I hope this is helpful to many as you may have been pondering on how to move forward in planning group baptisms.
- Walk in the goodness of the day.
Again.. I felt a strong unction to write these words therefore I did. I hope this is helpful to many as you may have been pondering on how to move forward in planning group baptisms.
- Walk in the goodness of the day.
October 26, 2017
!!BINGO !!.. I received a revelation of myself.
The time is currently 8:00am and I am at my place of employment. One of the things I do for my employer is to be a State Instructor; so I'm in the class getting ready for the day and the conversation comes to me: " have I not told you that you will be "as Moses".. so I say.. " Yes, yes you did?".. but I respond with a question mark. then I say " as Moses" yes you have said but I don't understand that absolutely. The Most High God responds to me and says:
" As Moses you will speak TO THE PEOPLE for me, it is YOU they will see but the WORDS will be mine; for it was Moses that I spoke through to speak to the people. For the people were in sin, in fear and in doubt but Moses.. I found favor in and it was through that vessel I was able to speak unto mankind causing them to know MY WILL and MY WAYS, what is MY HEART towards them and INSTRUCTIONS. As you do now Ambassador, it is that which I did through Moses and so much more you shall do, therefore I say " as Moses" I will use you mightily, "as John" you will baptize and cause the path to be made straight for the returning of MY SON. -- that ends that conversation -
Now I (Tina) have words to say to you / the reader:
when I woke up this morning this conversation was moving in my belly with disgust. The GREAT I AM is tolerating us as mankind and still we continue to pick up and adopt foolish things and saying.
STOP disrespecting the Most High God, The Holy One, The Creator of all things, for through HIM and for HIM was all things created. Some.. and it started with 'leaders".. some have adopted calling the MOST HIGH GOD--> "daddy".
The God of ALL CREATION IS NOT YOUR 'daddy"!! There is NO NEED to bring ANY OTHER WORD into the existence of the GREAT I AM, HE is was, in the beginning.. is there not enough wonderful, precious, magnificent and perfect names / adjectives / descriptions already in place for you to give ABSOLUTELY HONOR to the MOST HIGH GOD. That common, earthly "title" of --> "daddy" can be left here in the land and used for those who bring forth children from their own semen and upon their death return to dust.
Who told you to begin disrespecting the MOST HIGH GOD in such a way!?
What unholy, unrighteous man or woman told you to "repeat after them" and say GOD IS MY 'daddy" ?!?!
Again I say to you.. ? Is KING not enough for you. ? Is THE GREAT I AM not enough for you? Is JEHOVAH JIREH not enough ? is CREATOR, YOUR HOPE, LORD, MASTER, FATHER, OMNIPOTENT, ALMIGHTY... are they not enough?!?!
Stop disrespecting and turning away from the HOLY NAMES OF YOUR CREATOR. It is enough that mankind has made all these FALSE, WATERED DOWN DOCTRINES available to us (that being all the different "versions" of bibles that take away from that which is closest to the original which is The King James Version".. so in the land we have false doctrines pulling mankind from the TRUE doctrine and now we are being turned away from calling the KING - KING to calling HIM "daddy". Keep your eye gates and your ear gates PROTECTED from the many, many, many words that are in the air.
-- ( spoken in true and absolute frustration, for that is what THE I AM is feeling this morning) --
The time is currently 8:00am and I am at my place of employment. One of the things I do for my employer is to be a State Instructor; so I'm in the class getting ready for the day and the conversation comes to me: " have I not told you that you will be "as Moses".. so I say.. " Yes, yes you did?".. but I respond with a question mark. then I say " as Moses" yes you have said but I don't understand that absolutely. The Most High God responds to me and says:
" As Moses you will speak TO THE PEOPLE for me, it is YOU they will see but the WORDS will be mine; for it was Moses that I spoke through to speak to the people. For the people were in sin, in fear and in doubt but Moses.. I found favor in and it was through that vessel I was able to speak unto mankind causing them to know MY WILL and MY WAYS, what is MY HEART towards them and INSTRUCTIONS. As you do now Ambassador, it is that which I did through Moses and so much more you shall do, therefore I say " as Moses" I will use you mightily, "as John" you will baptize and cause the path to be made straight for the returning of MY SON. -- that ends that conversation -
Now I (Tina) have words to say to you / the reader:
when I woke up this morning this conversation was moving in my belly with disgust. The GREAT I AM is tolerating us as mankind and still we continue to pick up and adopt foolish things and saying.
STOP disrespecting the Most High God, The Holy One, The Creator of all things, for through HIM and for HIM was all things created. Some.. and it started with 'leaders".. some have adopted calling the MOST HIGH GOD--> "daddy".
The God of ALL CREATION IS NOT YOUR 'daddy"!! There is NO NEED to bring ANY OTHER WORD into the existence of the GREAT I AM, HE is was, in the beginning.. is there not enough wonderful, precious, magnificent and perfect names / adjectives / descriptions already in place for you to give ABSOLUTELY HONOR to the MOST HIGH GOD. That common, earthly "title" of --> "daddy" can be left here in the land and used for those who bring forth children from their own semen and upon their death return to dust.
Who told you to begin disrespecting the MOST HIGH GOD in such a way!?
What unholy, unrighteous man or woman told you to "repeat after them" and say GOD IS MY 'daddy" ?!?!
Again I say to you.. ? Is KING not enough for you. ? Is THE GREAT I AM not enough for you? Is JEHOVAH JIREH not enough ? is CREATOR, YOUR HOPE, LORD, MASTER, FATHER, OMNIPOTENT, ALMIGHTY... are they not enough?!?!
Stop disrespecting and turning away from the HOLY NAMES OF YOUR CREATOR. It is enough that mankind has made all these FALSE, WATERED DOWN DOCTRINES available to us (that being all the different "versions" of bibles that take away from that which is closest to the original which is The King James Version".. so in the land we have false doctrines pulling mankind from the TRUE doctrine and now we are being turned away from calling the KING - KING to calling HIM "daddy". Keep your eye gates and your ear gates PROTECTED from the many, many, many words that are in the air.
-- ( spoken in true and absolute frustration, for that is what THE I AM is feeling this morning) --
November 09, 2017
These words I now write are spontaneous.
I was just in the middle of writing some words on paper to my Big Brother Noel and I paused and said to myself.. I want to include you all in a conversation / thought I was having with The Council of God.
It was Wednesday, November 8, 2017 and I was driving down a back road and an (emotion) came over me while driving, it was an (emotion) of longing.. that longing for a companion and as I continue to drive I started identifying the (emotion) .. and I began to talk to THE FIRST Elder, (he) who say (he) is of the tribe of Benjamin. I started the conversation and said: ? WHY.. ? WHY must this be. ? WHY do these emotions come, why do the thoughts come.. I continued to drive... I immediately "checked" the emotion and said: I cannot.. I cannot.. I do not have time to entertain you, what will I say to THE I AM.. do I say to HIM that I want to do "my own thing" and walk away from THE I AM, do I say: HE can find someone else to do that which HE has called me to do... (I continue talking).. ? Should I simply walk away and not consider all those who have heard the many conversations from The Kingdom and believe and are returning to The Savior and turning away from their wicked ways and repenting and rising in the morning to glorify God, those who are now training up their children in the way that they should go, those who have sent gifts of writing material, clothing, gold and silver, monies of different nations and even one who has sent to me a 'staff".. that's correct.. one from far away sent unto me (Tina Mary Martin) the Female (ONLY) female called SCRIBE of The Most High God.. a "STAFF" one that resembles that of Moses...that which; since I have received I have kept in my bed with me. I have not put it away in a closet, I have not hung it on the wall as a display but, I keep it close to me and it NEVER leaves my bed unless changing my linen and then placed back in the bed with me... why is that.. I am not sure, but that is what I felt led to do therefore I did it.. and it will remain near to me until I hear different... now.. am I to say to those that sent me clothing and let us not leave out the beautiful bridal tiara from Jasper, Alabama.. ? am I to say to all those individuals who believe God and see me as HE calls me to be: The Ambassador and Scribe of the Most High God... --> WAIT ON ANOTHER <--
Am I to say.. thanks for all your stuff, but "!I'M OUT!"
Am I to say: I want to live my life now, I want a boyfriend, lover, friend, spoogy, sidepiece and walk away from the will of The Father.
Walk away from the GREAT I AM, wave good-bye to The School of Spirit, to have myself stripped of every spiritual gift and be thrown to the wolves, am I to say to the CREATOR : take back your "title" of Scribe.. you had me all wrong.
Am I to say to those who listen in Thailand, Russia, China, Australia, Hong Kong, Finland, London, Germany and the many of you that listen in the United States... "I'm not coming, I'm not gonna baptize y'all, I'm not gonna do the many, many miracles I am called to do in your land and bring deliverance to the bound, not heal the sick, not bring the good news of repentance.... ? is that what I'm supposed to do because... --> an emotion touched my soul <--
I say this to all the readers and listeners of the many conversations ...I say this to (YOU)... I, Tina Mary Martin who have had conversations with the beautiful creatures, The Council of God, The MASTER, The GREAT I AM, Professors, Scholars, Generals and all those that be....
I will travel by boat, train or plane to you .. though I have no desire to.
I will pray for you and with you - though I do not know you.
I will fast for you - though I know you not.
I will walk through a desert for you - though I know you not.
I will eat with you- though I hate trying new things.
I will sleep in a tent - to be near you (as commanded)
I will stand in pouring rain to baptize you.
I will cry for you.
I will lose sleep to help you
I will walk through fire for you and not come out smelling like smoke ---are you understanding what I am saying...
MY LIFE has become a sacrifice for YOU.
MY EMOTIONS has become null and void for YOU.
While talking with my son one day he said: Mah'.. do you understand that you are gonna have to quit your job in order to do the will of God, you not gonna be able to travel all the places you need to and keep your job. If God tells you to go to Russia.. that's almost a day and a half to get there.. you won't be able to have "weekend trips" all the time.
I looked at my son in unbelief and say.. !NO WAY SON!.. I need to work.
But as I thought about it.. over the past two months.. I'm like.. wow.. (sigh).. he's right.. I won't be physically able to maintain my employment and do such things.. somewhere along the way.. some one will get the short end of the stick.. or I'm not gonna have enough days to give to THE I AM or I will not be able to fulfill my five day work week with my employer.
And it was then.. again I said... BUT THE WILL OF THE FATHER MUST BE DONE.. HE CALLED ME.. I'M IN TOO DEEP NOW.. AND ... WELL... I CAN'T WALK AWAY...and I will not walk away. So.. as some of you may wonder: What am I doing and how am I feeling... I'm working just like you are and I am having emotions, just like you are, but.. I understand..fully now.. that MY LIFE REALLY IS NOT MY OWN ANYMORE... I now live for (you)... I move as commanded / instructed for (you), I watch where I go and what I wear for (you).
Below are the words of A.H. of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma that which he wrote to me after I asked him a question concerning myself:
(Your Person) - Actions and words spoken
I was just in the middle of writing some words on paper to my Big Brother Noel and I paused and said to myself.. I want to include you all in a conversation / thought I was having with The Council of God.
It was Wednesday, November 8, 2017 and I was driving down a back road and an (emotion) came over me while driving, it was an (emotion) of longing.. that longing for a companion and as I continue to drive I started identifying the (emotion) .. and I began to talk to THE FIRST Elder, (he) who say (he) is of the tribe of Benjamin. I started the conversation and said: ? WHY.. ? WHY must this be. ? WHY do these emotions come, why do the thoughts come.. I continued to drive... I immediately "checked" the emotion and said: I cannot.. I cannot.. I do not have time to entertain you, what will I say to THE I AM.. do I say to HIM that I want to do "my own thing" and walk away from THE I AM, do I say: HE can find someone else to do that which HE has called me to do... (I continue talking).. ? Should I simply walk away and not consider all those who have heard the many conversations from The Kingdom and believe and are returning to The Savior and turning away from their wicked ways and repenting and rising in the morning to glorify God, those who are now training up their children in the way that they should go, those who have sent gifts of writing material, clothing, gold and silver, monies of different nations and even one who has sent to me a 'staff".. that's correct.. one from far away sent unto me (Tina Mary Martin) the Female (ONLY) female called SCRIBE of The Most High God.. a "STAFF" one that resembles that of Moses...that which; since I have received I have kept in my bed with me. I have not put it away in a closet, I have not hung it on the wall as a display but, I keep it close to me and it NEVER leaves my bed unless changing my linen and then placed back in the bed with me... why is that.. I am not sure, but that is what I felt led to do therefore I did it.. and it will remain near to me until I hear different... now.. am I to say to those that sent me clothing and let us not leave out the beautiful bridal tiara from Jasper, Alabama.. ? am I to say to all those individuals who believe God and see me as HE calls me to be: The Ambassador and Scribe of the Most High God... --> WAIT ON ANOTHER <--
Am I to say.. thanks for all your stuff, but "!I'M OUT!"
Am I to say: I want to live my life now, I want a boyfriend, lover, friend, spoogy, sidepiece and walk away from the will of The Father.
Walk away from the GREAT I AM, wave good-bye to The School of Spirit, to have myself stripped of every spiritual gift and be thrown to the wolves, am I to say to the CREATOR : take back your "title" of Scribe.. you had me all wrong.
Am I to say to those who listen in Thailand, Russia, China, Australia, Hong Kong, Finland, London, Germany and the many of you that listen in the United States... "I'm not coming, I'm not gonna baptize y'all, I'm not gonna do the many, many miracles I am called to do in your land and bring deliverance to the bound, not heal the sick, not bring the good news of repentance.... ? is that what I'm supposed to do because... --> an emotion touched my soul <--
I say this to all the readers and listeners of the many conversations ...I say this to (YOU)... I, Tina Mary Martin who have had conversations with the beautiful creatures, The Council of God, The MASTER, The GREAT I AM, Professors, Scholars, Generals and all those that be....
I will travel by boat, train or plane to you .. though I have no desire to.
I will pray for you and with you - though I do not know you.
I will fast for you - though I know you not.
I will walk through a desert for you - though I know you not.
I will eat with you- though I hate trying new things.
I will sleep in a tent - to be near you (as commanded)
I will stand in pouring rain to baptize you.
I will cry for you.
I will lose sleep to help you
I will walk through fire for you and not come out smelling like smoke ---are you understanding what I am saying...
MY LIFE has become a sacrifice for YOU.
MY EMOTIONS has become null and void for YOU.
While talking with my son one day he said: Mah'.. do you understand that you are gonna have to quit your job in order to do the will of God, you not gonna be able to travel all the places you need to and keep your job. If God tells you to go to Russia.. that's almost a day and a half to get there.. you won't be able to have "weekend trips" all the time.
I looked at my son in unbelief and say.. !NO WAY SON!.. I need to work.
But as I thought about it.. over the past two months.. I'm like.. wow.. (sigh).. he's right.. I won't be physically able to maintain my employment and do such things.. somewhere along the way.. some one will get the short end of the stick.. or I'm not gonna have enough days to give to THE I AM or I will not be able to fulfill my five day work week with my employer.
And it was then.. again I said... BUT THE WILL OF THE FATHER MUST BE DONE.. HE CALLED ME.. I'M IN TOO DEEP NOW.. AND ... WELL... I CAN'T WALK AWAY...and I will not walk away. So.. as some of you may wonder: What am I doing and how am I feeling... I'm working just like you are and I am having emotions, just like you are, but.. I understand..fully now.. that MY LIFE REALLY IS NOT MY OWN ANYMORE... I now live for (you)... I move as commanded / instructed for (you), I watch where I go and what I wear for (you).
Below are the words of A.H. of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma that which he wrote to me after I asked him a question concerning myself:
(Your Person) - Actions and words spoken
December 18, 2017 - THE DREAM
Out of obedience, I give to you now THE DREAM The Kingdom Of God instructed me to give... This is the dream my oldest daughter had concerning me. My daughter who was in her thirties at the time sent me a text message on January 9, 2017 @10:42 am, her words in the text were: I had a dream about you there were " PEOPLE OF POWER" plotting to kill you.
Now, my daughter said she had the dream three days prior to sending me the text, so let's say she had the dream January 06, 2017. After having the dream on January 6, 2017, ALL THROUGHOUT HER DAY WHILE WORKING, EATING, CARING FOR HER FAMILY she repeatedly heard in her hearing: THE OBJECT OF THE GAME IS TO KILL TINA".. the sound was of men's voices and it continued UNTIL she told me the dream. It was NOT until AFTER she told me the dream did the chant stop in her hearing.
" the object of the game is to kill Tina"..
" the object of the game is to kill Tina".
" the object of the game is to kill Tina".... was the chant she kept hearing.
The chant was in the dream also.
So I texted her back and said: hold on, I'm coming over there.
So I arrived to where she was, sat before her and said.. tell me the dream nice and slow.. she proceeded:
" It started around 2am, I woke up because I was hungry, I was still tired but I went into the kitchen and cooked me some mac N cheese; I climbed back into bed and started eating my food. I was very tired, I kept eating and while in bed I started dozing off and I began to hear " THE OBJECT OF THE GAME IS TO KILL TINA".
I "shook" the "words" off and continued eating my food, cuz' I was hungry. I finished eating, I lied down, turned off the light and suddenly I was in a vision - In the vision you ( Tina) was sitting at your PC and then you approached me with excitement saying:
It was at that time I thought to myself.. " OH, that must be the people of power" for I (my daughter) thought to myself .. hmmm I already heard within myself that "you have a scheduled meeting" which "locked in" and I put together that.." that must be the "people of power"
Now, my daughter said she had the dream three days prior to sending me the text, so let's say she had the dream January 06, 2017. After having the dream on January 6, 2017, ALL THROUGHOUT HER DAY WHILE WORKING, EATING, CARING FOR HER FAMILY she repeatedly heard in her hearing: THE OBJECT OF THE GAME IS TO KILL TINA".. the sound was of men's voices and it continued UNTIL she told me the dream. It was NOT until AFTER she told me the dream did the chant stop in her hearing.
" the object of the game is to kill Tina"..
" the object of the game is to kill Tina".
" the object of the game is to kill Tina".... was the chant she kept hearing.
The chant was in the dream also.
So I texted her back and said: hold on, I'm coming over there.
So I arrived to where she was, sat before her and said.. tell me the dream nice and slow.. she proceeded:
" It started around 2am, I woke up because I was hungry, I was still tired but I went into the kitchen and cooked me some mac N cheese; I climbed back into bed and started eating my food. I was very tired, I kept eating and while in bed I started dozing off and I began to hear " THE OBJECT OF THE GAME IS TO KILL TINA".
I "shook" the "words" off and continued eating my food, cuz' I was hungry. I finished eating, I lied down, turned off the light and suddenly I was in a vision - In the vision you ( Tina) was sitting at your PC and then you approached me with excitement saying:
It was at that time I thought to myself.. " OH, that must be the people of power" for I (my daughter) thought to myself .. hmmm I already heard within myself that "you have a scheduled meeting" which "locked in" and I put together that.." that must be the "people of power"
December 18, 2017 - (my thoughts) concerning The Pit
Greetings to you all READERS, LISTENERS, BELIEVERS, NON-BELIEVERS and those of you who just read out of CURIOSITY.
I want to share MY UNDERSTANDING of the thing that I will be doing while in The Pit (Hell). As said by The Kingdom : I will be THE LAST to enter The Pit (as far as an assignment is concerned.)
Many in time past have written of their experience in Hell rather they had a (death) experience or they were (escorted) by The Master... these individuals wrote of what they saw, heard, felt and smelled. What will be so unique and BREATH TAKING I must add about this thing that The Most High God will have me doing is to:
A testimony can ONLY be given if someone SPEAKS and another is allowed to hear.
That is why currently I am now BACK TO SCHOOL (as The Kingdom is calling it).
The Kingdom mentioned.. which is true; though I have never put it together in times past... those who have died, your loved ones, my loved ones.. they died WITH THEIR LANGUAGE. Those that spoke Spanish, still speak Spanish, those who spoke Dutch still speak Dutch, therefore MY EARS NEED TO POP OPEN so I can understand what they are saying while they are giving their testimony. You see.. when I am there and I'm getting a testimony from someone from the Ivory Coast, they will speak THEIR LANGUAGE and when those words come forth in the Book(s).. you who read that are from the Ivory Coast will be able to identify the person... which will cause your heart to shift, you will repent and give your life to The Lord and Master.
The Book(s) to come will be like no other you or anyone that breath in the land has ever laid hands on. Not only will I tell you of what I see, I smelled, I felt, not only will I tell you of the many children that be in The Pit.. you will read of their death, they will tell you in their own words: the way they lived their lives'.. how they died, where they died or if they killed themselves (suicide). I will tell you of birth marks I see, unique scares and piercings.
If you were to read:
I SAW A FIFTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL, BLACK FEMALE, HAD A TATTOO OF A SPIDER ON HER RIGHT SHOULDER, SHE SAID SHE'S FROM CHICAGO AND HER BODY WAS FOUND IN A DUMPSTER AFTER BEING SHOT BEHIND THE HEAD..if one of you readers were to read such a thing and were able to identify with the words as being YOUR relative.. FIRST your heart would break because THAT PERSON ( that fifteen year old is IN HELL) then the possibility that you may know her, the many conversations will begin to come back to your remembrance of what you have had with her, possibly telling her to stop living the way she was, recalling the rebellion.. and your heart will break all the more.
- end
If I were to write:
I saw a white female, elderly lady, she stood about 5'8 and she appeared to be about 75 years of age. She says she has 15 grandchildren and she's from France, a mother in the Church and served as an usher, they called me "Sissy". After service I would also be in charge of balancing the book(s) for the tithes and offerings and I would steal from the church. I was never caught, no one ever approached me with anything, but.. I ended up here.
Now, The Kingdom warns me constantly that I have no idea of the horrors that I will see while in the PIT.. and they are correct, I really do not have any idea. I don't entertain scary movies, I don't think scary thoughts, murder movies... nothing.. not that.. that is anything special to mention, I'm just saying.. my thoughts are never of anything that's not funny, happiness, coloring in a coloring book, eating chocolate, etc.,.. lol.
So, to be "chosen" to do such a thing is WAY OVER MY HEAD.
I have never in my life: prayed to go to heaven, prayed to go to hell, prayed to see angels.. nothing.. I just wake up, work, eat, go to sleep.. REPEAT.. and for something like this to be happening to me.. I truly wonder some times.. but, then it all comes together when I stop and consider what the letter says: we were created for God's good pleasure... If HE finds pleasure in having me to do such a thing.. then so be it. I want to say this.. and this is just my opinion (on a serious note).. I see this whole thing happening as smooth as the seasons change: we have Spring, Summer, Winter and Fall... and I see (in my opinion):
My Pit assignment starts
The Book(s) come out
Many read the book(s) the GREAT REVIVAL starts
The Angels are loosed and the MARK is in full function, there's great trouble
.. and then I'm outta" here.. taken up ( BIG GRIN)
... boom, boom, boom, boom...
... tick, tick, tick, tick...
.. spring, summer, winter, fall
Now, it is said by The Kingdom: THREE DAYS I will walk the land. Now, I have not put that together at all. At one time I thought it was three months, like a three day journey as written by Moses. I said to myself.. geeze.. I can't do nothing in THREE DAYS (not in man's 72 hours).. then I said.. maybe it's THREE YEARS.. I could definitely do all things in THREE YEARS going consistently, no "going to work".. just moving, moving, moving according as The Kingdom sends me.
Again, this is all a big GUESSING GAME to me, I have no idea.
I do want to take this time and say IN ADVANCE: THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU to those in whose home(s) I will reside in as I travel to a fro. For as it has been said: WHOSOEVER home I abide in, so will The Kingdom abide (and that includes Llye (my defender). I also want to say: I have received instructions from The Kingdom that: going forward I am to make known my itinerary; which means I am to make available / public my FLIGHT information and HOTEL information (minus the room number). If I will be in someone's home THAT information will NOT be released at all (the location of the home that is)..ONLY the flight information is to be released if that is the case.
When The Kingdom told me that I said to myself.. !?WHY?!... why must this happen and the understanding came immediately.. it's because MY FEET IS YOUR CLOCK.
I cannot remain a ghost, therefore where I go and how long I stay and the activities that take place while I'm there matters...
I want to share MY UNDERSTANDING of the thing that I will be doing while in The Pit (Hell). As said by The Kingdom : I will be THE LAST to enter The Pit (as far as an assignment is concerned.)
Many in time past have written of their experience in Hell rather they had a (death) experience or they were (escorted) by The Master... these individuals wrote of what they saw, heard, felt and smelled. What will be so unique and BREATH TAKING I must add about this thing that The Most High God will have me doing is to:
A testimony can ONLY be given if someone SPEAKS and another is allowed to hear.
That is why currently I am now BACK TO SCHOOL (as The Kingdom is calling it).
The Kingdom mentioned.. which is true; though I have never put it together in times past... those who have died, your loved ones, my loved ones.. they died WITH THEIR LANGUAGE. Those that spoke Spanish, still speak Spanish, those who spoke Dutch still speak Dutch, therefore MY EARS NEED TO POP OPEN so I can understand what they are saying while they are giving their testimony. You see.. when I am there and I'm getting a testimony from someone from the Ivory Coast, they will speak THEIR LANGUAGE and when those words come forth in the Book(s).. you who read that are from the Ivory Coast will be able to identify the person... which will cause your heart to shift, you will repent and give your life to The Lord and Master.
The Book(s) to come will be like no other you or anyone that breath in the land has ever laid hands on. Not only will I tell you of what I see, I smelled, I felt, not only will I tell you of the many children that be in The Pit.. you will read of their death, they will tell you in their own words: the way they lived their lives'.. how they died, where they died or if they killed themselves (suicide). I will tell you of birth marks I see, unique scares and piercings.
If you were to read:
I SAW A FIFTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL, BLACK FEMALE, HAD A TATTOO OF A SPIDER ON HER RIGHT SHOULDER, SHE SAID SHE'S FROM CHICAGO AND HER BODY WAS FOUND IN A DUMPSTER AFTER BEING SHOT BEHIND THE HEAD..if one of you readers were to read such a thing and were able to identify with the words as being YOUR relative.. FIRST your heart would break because THAT PERSON ( that fifteen year old is IN HELL) then the possibility that you may know her, the many conversations will begin to come back to your remembrance of what you have had with her, possibly telling her to stop living the way she was, recalling the rebellion.. and your heart will break all the more.
- end
If I were to write:
I saw a white female, elderly lady, she stood about 5'8 and she appeared to be about 75 years of age. She says she has 15 grandchildren and she's from France, a mother in the Church and served as an usher, they called me "Sissy". After service I would also be in charge of balancing the book(s) for the tithes and offerings and I would steal from the church. I was never caught, no one ever approached me with anything, but.. I ended up here.
Now, The Kingdom warns me constantly that I have no idea of the horrors that I will see while in the PIT.. and they are correct, I really do not have any idea. I don't entertain scary movies, I don't think scary thoughts, murder movies... nothing.. not that.. that is anything special to mention, I'm just saying.. my thoughts are never of anything that's not funny, happiness, coloring in a coloring book, eating chocolate, etc.,.. lol.
So, to be "chosen" to do such a thing is WAY OVER MY HEAD.
I have never in my life: prayed to go to heaven, prayed to go to hell, prayed to see angels.. nothing.. I just wake up, work, eat, go to sleep.. REPEAT.. and for something like this to be happening to me.. I truly wonder some times.. but, then it all comes together when I stop and consider what the letter says: we were created for God's good pleasure... If HE finds pleasure in having me to do such a thing.. then so be it. I want to say this.. and this is just my opinion (on a serious note).. I see this whole thing happening as smooth as the seasons change: we have Spring, Summer, Winter and Fall... and I see (in my opinion):
My Pit assignment starts
The Book(s) come out
Many read the book(s) the GREAT REVIVAL starts
The Angels are loosed and the MARK is in full function, there's great trouble
.. and then I'm outta" here.. taken up ( BIG GRIN)
... boom, boom, boom, boom...
... tick, tick, tick, tick...
.. spring, summer, winter, fall
Now, it is said by The Kingdom: THREE DAYS I will walk the land. Now, I have not put that together at all. At one time I thought it was three months, like a three day journey as written by Moses. I said to myself.. geeze.. I can't do nothing in THREE DAYS (not in man's 72 hours).. then I said.. maybe it's THREE YEARS.. I could definitely do all things in THREE YEARS going consistently, no "going to work".. just moving, moving, moving according as The Kingdom sends me.
Again, this is all a big GUESSING GAME to me, I have no idea.
I do want to take this time and say IN ADVANCE: THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU to those in whose home(s) I will reside in as I travel to a fro. For as it has been said: WHOSOEVER home I abide in, so will The Kingdom abide (and that includes Llye (my defender). I also want to say: I have received instructions from The Kingdom that: going forward I am to make known my itinerary; which means I am to make available / public my FLIGHT information and HOTEL information (minus the room number). If I will be in someone's home THAT information will NOT be released at all (the location of the home that is)..ONLY the flight information is to be released if that is the case.
When The Kingdom told me that I said to myself.. !?WHY?!... why must this happen and the understanding came immediately.. it's because MY FEET IS YOUR CLOCK.
I cannot remain a ghost, therefore where I go and how long I stay and the activities that take place while I'm there matters...
December 27, 2017: It's Time To Write Again
Greetings all, so the time has come for me to begin writing again. Initially when I was in School of Spirit I wrote a lot (being a student and all ) one must write down in order to refer back to. Then the time came when School of Spirit was completed and there was nothing else to write and then a "switch" happened.. suddenly I started receiving WARNINGS from The Kingdom and instructed CLEARLY to: write it down, for their words to me were:
and that is what I did which brought forth the YouTube Channel: Crossing Boundaries Supernatural Conversations.
I was writing and writing and started placing videos on the channel for mankind to hear what The Kingdom of God was saying concerning mankind.. and it was a lot. As I looked at other "channels" on the web I saw that many were delivering the messages / dreams / visions that The Kingdom was giving to them and as I looked I said to myself: " I cannot do this".. this is too much to write and then read to mankind on this channel.. I still wrote but what I started doing; which is what I do now which is to: release the messages STRAIGHT OUT OF MY MOUTH.
I did not want people to think that I was faking, lying, making things up, blaspheming and just simply trying to "get the attention of mankind.. so I released the words AS THEY CAME THROUGH ME STRAIGHT FROM THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND ALL THAT SPOKE... I said to myself.. " let them make their own judgement"... if one can say I am "making up" twenty-two plus characters with twenty two plus personalities and having knowledge and wisdom that no man that went to any college can conceive.. if man will think that I am "channeling" - as one said to me.... "channeling" characters to get " LIKES".... all I can say is... shame on you.
We as a people are always saying " God, talk to me.. communicate with me,.. show me a sign.. but in our minds.. that "sign" need to be a star, animal, man, storm or maybe a rock.. but. it's me --> Tina Mary Martin
So, School of Spirit is completed, warning went out onto YouTube.. the conversations didn't stop but the command to release them did. So, there I was living and having conversations with The Kingdom daily and not releasing the conversation.. and then.. there was another "switch"... it was time to speak to the nations and so the conversations continued and the command to release them came back. I did not have to write them, just release them and then things "switched" again... there was a SILENCE.
The Kingdom commanded me NOT to come back to them again in the fashion in which I was going; which was: at 4:00am I would rise, position myself, cover my head and they would speak... that STOPPED.
They later explained that I was deep into a "routine" that was almost dangerous to me.. for in me, I thought I could not hear from The Kingdom without being in that place and positioning myself. Then the time came when one unctioned me in the midst of the SILENCE. He was summoning me. I felt the pull but I was afraid to move because the command not to return was ringing in my ear, but.... the pull continued, so I went in and that's when (one) from The Council of God; he who is from The Benjamin Tribe approached me, very upset and inquired " what was I doing in The Kingdom".. (some of you may remember that).. it was not pleasant at all... well.. it was after that the conversations unto the nations shifted into gear and the summoning picked up.
Some of you may be wondering: what do you mean summons, what do you mean unctioned... well.. they get my attention in different ways: there are times when conversations starts moving in my belly.. yes.. conversation.. I begin to hear in my inner, inner man conversations that they are wanting to share with me and I have to get up out of bed or go in my bedroom, there are times when my mouth begins to move with conversation and I have to go to them, there are times it's a "presence"... that kind of presence that makes you pull on side the road if you are driving.
So The Kingdom began to talk all the more as to let mankind know: Your End Is At The Door.
And now here we are in December of the year of two thousand seventeen and things have "switch again.. the subject now is THE ANOINTING OIL.
I want to mention this to you all (readers).. this will be the second time for me going through a "purification" of sorts. I cannot recall the year off the top of my head.. maybe 2016.. and these words will be part of THE BOOK(s) that will come. There was a time earlier when I was instructed to anoint myself from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet for forty nine nights.. that's correct, the instructions came from The Kingdom to anoint myself from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet, it was then (I thought) that I was going to be going into THE PIT... but, not so.. I do not know what the purification was for but it was completed after forty nine nights of bathing (like normal) and then anointing. It was not with any special oil, just an oil that I had set aside for anointing myself for when I prayed or prayed for others or for anointing things that I placed in my tabernacle unto The Lord Thy God. I have no idea of: where the ANOINTING OIL will come from, what it will smell like, how much will there be, what the packaging will look like.. nothing. The ONLY instructions I have received concerning THE ANOINTING OIL is: when it arrives, I am to let you all ( the public) know... that is it. I am not to speak of it, show you pictures or even make known to you from which place it came or the sender.. I am ONLY to let you know it has arrived (when it does).. for --- > I AM YOUR CLOCK.. and that is so you can have some kind of timing / awareness of the entrance into THE PIT.
My instructions as some of you may have heard from The Kingdom is to: anoint myself from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet and that THE ANOINTING OIL is for the protection of me, for it was said that the heat of THE PIT would melt the skin from a human like water.
Now the words were said that: my body will experience (some) things.. now, I do not know what those (some) things could be... but.. I use the words of a Team Member : I am all HIS so all will be well. I know also that you all (listeners) have heard The Kingdom say to me that: my undivided attention will be needed during the timing of THE PIT (I concluded)... therefore my present employment that I have been with for fourteen years will be cut short.. now.. how will that happen... (I wish I had a smirk face emoji with its arms folded) as I say.. I have no idea.. will I resign, will I get terminated, will there be a lay off, will my boss walk into my office and say: God said you gotta' go... (lol).. I just don't know.
So here I am now BACK TO SCHOOL as The Kingdom calls it and the conversations are of the END OF MANKIND and the ENTERING OF THE PIT.
Now, know this... these conversations of me being BACK TO SCHOOL is not really meant for your ears mankind but,.. I share them because... YOUR END IS APPROACHING.
War is approaching, storms, pestilence.. the absolute WRATH OF GOD which is mingled with the WORLD WAR III .. it's all the WRATH OF GOD. So, what I do.. I release it to you, but now I must also write it.
That's correct.. The word from The Kingdom has come to me that it is time to write again. I am to write all that has been spoken thus far in BACK TO SCHOOL and all things going forward, so as I release the conversations that I'm allowed to, I will also be writing the conversation. You see... (ALL) THE WORDS from (NOW) to the coming of THE KING is to be written (just as it was in the letters of HIS first arrival and departure) for those who are now and those who will be left behind.
Every step, from the intro of THE ANOINTING OIL, to the entrance of THE PIT, to the book(s) publication(s), to the revival, to the WAR< WRATH< REPENTANCE< CATCHING AWAY OF ME (Tina Mary Martin) and that of the SAINTS.
So.. this is to let you all know... I am writing.. AGAIN.
Be ye reminded was the Scribes of old that wrote and left behind (The Bible) the words for us to read of the coming of HE that will be The Savior of the world, HE who would be called: Wonderful, Councilor, Prince of Peace, The Holy One, Messiah and Our Hope. It was the Scribes of old that wrote of the troubles of the future, the calamities of the future, wars and destruction of the world for the future and it is I ( Tina Mary Martin of New Orleans) now in the year of our Lord two thousand seventeen who will now write of the returning of that Savior who is now King in our time, the troubles of our time, the calamities of our time, wars and destruction of our time, I will write of the great revival with the acknowledgement of THE GREAT KING that will happen in our time, I will write the testimonies of those that be presently in THE PIT and bring them up for mankind to read.
I do not know if I will write of the catching away / rapture of the CHURCH.. I do not know if I will still be present in the land for that event.
Who can be so bold to say such thing publicly of herself?... one who is confident in The God (she) serves.
As the prophet of old proved himself to be who he was and who is The God he served by: setting up an alter and placed the sacrifice there on, made a trench about it, filled a barrel with water and poured onto the sacrifice AND on the wood that was placed beneath the sacrifice and did that same thing four times; soaking the sacrifice with water and surrounding it with water and in it was water and the prophet spoke the words:
LORD God of Abraham, Issac and of Israel, let it be known this day that thou art God in Israel, and that I am thy servant...(reference verse: 1 kings 18)
- look up people.. for your redemption draweth nigh.
- is this not what we all been waiting for.. let us get excited and not be afraid as the unbelievers.
and that is what I did which brought forth the YouTube Channel: Crossing Boundaries Supernatural Conversations.
I was writing and writing and started placing videos on the channel for mankind to hear what The Kingdom of God was saying concerning mankind.. and it was a lot. As I looked at other "channels" on the web I saw that many were delivering the messages / dreams / visions that The Kingdom was giving to them and as I looked I said to myself: " I cannot do this".. this is too much to write and then read to mankind on this channel.. I still wrote but what I started doing; which is what I do now which is to: release the messages STRAIGHT OUT OF MY MOUTH.
I did not want people to think that I was faking, lying, making things up, blaspheming and just simply trying to "get the attention of mankind.. so I released the words AS THEY CAME THROUGH ME STRAIGHT FROM THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND ALL THAT SPOKE... I said to myself.. " let them make their own judgement"... if one can say I am "making up" twenty-two plus characters with twenty two plus personalities and having knowledge and wisdom that no man that went to any college can conceive.. if man will think that I am "channeling" - as one said to me.... "channeling" characters to get " LIKES".... all I can say is... shame on you.
We as a people are always saying " God, talk to me.. communicate with me,.. show me a sign.. but in our minds.. that "sign" need to be a star, animal, man, storm or maybe a rock.. but. it's me --> Tina Mary Martin
So, School of Spirit is completed, warning went out onto YouTube.. the conversations didn't stop but the command to release them did. So, there I was living and having conversations with The Kingdom daily and not releasing the conversation.. and then.. there was another "switch"... it was time to speak to the nations and so the conversations continued and the command to release them came back. I did not have to write them, just release them and then things "switched" again... there was a SILENCE.
The Kingdom commanded me NOT to come back to them again in the fashion in which I was going; which was: at 4:00am I would rise, position myself, cover my head and they would speak... that STOPPED.
They later explained that I was deep into a "routine" that was almost dangerous to me.. for in me, I thought I could not hear from The Kingdom without being in that place and positioning myself. Then the time came when one unctioned me in the midst of the SILENCE. He was summoning me. I felt the pull but I was afraid to move because the command not to return was ringing in my ear, but.... the pull continued, so I went in and that's when (one) from The Council of God; he who is from The Benjamin Tribe approached me, very upset and inquired " what was I doing in The Kingdom".. (some of you may remember that).. it was not pleasant at all... well.. it was after that the conversations unto the nations shifted into gear and the summoning picked up.
Some of you may be wondering: what do you mean summons, what do you mean unctioned... well.. they get my attention in different ways: there are times when conversations starts moving in my belly.. yes.. conversation.. I begin to hear in my inner, inner man conversations that they are wanting to share with me and I have to get up out of bed or go in my bedroom, there are times when my mouth begins to move with conversation and I have to go to them, there are times it's a "presence"... that kind of presence that makes you pull on side the road if you are driving.
So The Kingdom began to talk all the more as to let mankind know: Your End Is At The Door.
And now here we are in December of the year of two thousand seventeen and things have "switch again.. the subject now is THE ANOINTING OIL.
I want to mention this to you all (readers).. this will be the second time for me going through a "purification" of sorts. I cannot recall the year off the top of my head.. maybe 2016.. and these words will be part of THE BOOK(s) that will come. There was a time earlier when I was instructed to anoint myself from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet for forty nine nights.. that's correct, the instructions came from The Kingdom to anoint myself from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet, it was then (I thought) that I was going to be going into THE PIT... but, not so.. I do not know what the purification was for but it was completed after forty nine nights of bathing (like normal) and then anointing. It was not with any special oil, just an oil that I had set aside for anointing myself for when I prayed or prayed for others or for anointing things that I placed in my tabernacle unto The Lord Thy God. I have no idea of: where the ANOINTING OIL will come from, what it will smell like, how much will there be, what the packaging will look like.. nothing. The ONLY instructions I have received concerning THE ANOINTING OIL is: when it arrives, I am to let you all ( the public) know... that is it. I am not to speak of it, show you pictures or even make known to you from which place it came or the sender.. I am ONLY to let you know it has arrived (when it does).. for --- > I AM YOUR CLOCK.. and that is so you can have some kind of timing / awareness of the entrance into THE PIT.
My instructions as some of you may have heard from The Kingdom is to: anoint myself from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet and that THE ANOINTING OIL is for the protection of me, for it was said that the heat of THE PIT would melt the skin from a human like water.
Now the words were said that: my body will experience (some) things.. now, I do not know what those (some) things could be... but.. I use the words of a Team Member : I am all HIS so all will be well. I know also that you all (listeners) have heard The Kingdom say to me that: my undivided attention will be needed during the timing of THE PIT (I concluded)... therefore my present employment that I have been with for fourteen years will be cut short.. now.. how will that happen... (I wish I had a smirk face emoji with its arms folded) as I say.. I have no idea.. will I resign, will I get terminated, will there be a lay off, will my boss walk into my office and say: God said you gotta' go... (lol).. I just don't know.
So here I am now BACK TO SCHOOL as The Kingdom calls it and the conversations are of the END OF MANKIND and the ENTERING OF THE PIT.
Now, know this... these conversations of me being BACK TO SCHOOL is not really meant for your ears mankind but,.. I share them because... YOUR END IS APPROACHING.
War is approaching, storms, pestilence.. the absolute WRATH OF GOD which is mingled with the WORLD WAR III .. it's all the WRATH OF GOD. So, what I do.. I release it to you, but now I must also write it.
That's correct.. The word from The Kingdom has come to me that it is time to write again. I am to write all that has been spoken thus far in BACK TO SCHOOL and all things going forward, so as I release the conversations that I'm allowed to, I will also be writing the conversation. You see... (ALL) THE WORDS from (NOW) to the coming of THE KING is to be written (just as it was in the letters of HIS first arrival and departure) for those who are now and those who will be left behind.
Every step, from the intro of THE ANOINTING OIL, to the entrance of THE PIT, to the book(s) publication(s), to the revival, to the WAR< WRATH< REPENTANCE< CATCHING AWAY OF ME (Tina Mary Martin) and that of the SAINTS.
So.. this is to let you all know... I am writing.. AGAIN.
Be ye reminded was the Scribes of old that wrote and left behind (The Bible) the words for us to read of the coming of HE that will be The Savior of the world, HE who would be called: Wonderful, Councilor, Prince of Peace, The Holy One, Messiah and Our Hope. It was the Scribes of old that wrote of the troubles of the future, the calamities of the future, wars and destruction of the world for the future and it is I ( Tina Mary Martin of New Orleans) now in the year of our Lord two thousand seventeen who will now write of the returning of that Savior who is now King in our time, the troubles of our time, the calamities of our time, wars and destruction of our time, I will write of the great revival with the acknowledgement of THE GREAT KING that will happen in our time, I will write the testimonies of those that be presently in THE PIT and bring them up for mankind to read.
I do not know if I will write of the catching away / rapture of the CHURCH.. I do not know if I will still be present in the land for that event.
Who can be so bold to say such thing publicly of herself?... one who is confident in The God (she) serves.
As the prophet of old proved himself to be who he was and who is The God he served by: setting up an alter and placed the sacrifice there on, made a trench about it, filled a barrel with water and poured onto the sacrifice AND on the wood that was placed beneath the sacrifice and did that same thing four times; soaking the sacrifice with water and surrounding it with water and in it was water and the prophet spoke the words:
LORD God of Abraham, Issac and of Israel, let it be known this day that thou art God in Israel, and that I am thy servant...(reference verse: 1 kings 18)
- look up people.. for your redemption draweth nigh.
- is this not what we all been waiting for.. let us get excited and not be afraid as the unbelievers.
January 07, 2018: The Books To Come
I greet you all in the name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, HE who is the SON of the Living God, HE who was born of the virgin Mary (chosen by God to bare the seed of HIMSELF), HE who walked the land, lived amongst man and was crucified (killed) hung on a wooden cross and dispalyed for all man to see. HE who was pierced in HIS side, gave up the ghost, went to hell, preached the GOOD NEWS ( of HIMSELF) that HE was the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE... it is HE in who I greet you in.
I, Tina Mary Martin of New Orleans do NOT want there to be ANY, ANY confusion in who I serve. There are way too many "gods" that mankind believe in and proclaim to be a thing. DO NOT BE CONFUSED mankind... it is JESUS, JESUS, JESUS whom I serve. That same one that Pharaoh desired to kill, the same one who turned water to wine, the same one who Thomas doubted in... HE IS THE SAME ONE! I, Tina Mary Martin do NOT care to hear how the "letter J" was not in the "original" writings and the pronunciation was not with a "J " ... you can KEEP ALL THAT ...."information"...... to yourself.
I say this boldly... if you do not believe in HE whom I believe in... then let THIS be your last reading of the many things that be available on this site and go.... serve your "god".
I desire to inform all of the books to come concerning The Pit.
The first will be last and the last will be first.
The Kingdom of God has made it perfectly clear to me that: the releasing / distribution of the BOOKS can and will be done the way that MY HEART desires and it is MY DESIRE that the first be last and the last be first.
The releasing / distribution of the BOOKS will be unto the blind and hearing impaired first. For those who have eyes and see not and for those who have ears and hear not.
The first releasing / distribution of the BOOKS will be in BRAILLE and AUDIO and made available through specific facilities that cater to the BLIND and HEARING IMPAIRED. I am not at all one that purchase many books or watchful of "new authors" as they are called, but one thing is sure... when they release / distribute their "words" it is in the PRINT form be it paperback or a download version, that will NOT be the case with this thing; that which The Kingdom of The Most High God will have me doing and that being: Enter the PIT nightly (as they have said) and retrieving the testimonies of those that be presently tormented in the PIT. To see what I can see with my eyes and tell you of it, to smell what I can smell and tell you of it, to tell you of the horrors that be that await those of you who even now, right now read these very words IF you do not:
After and only after I am satisfied with the releasing / distribution of the BRAILLE and AUDIO releasing... after I have fixed in my heart and communicated with a fair amount of BRAILLE / AUDIO publishers and the releasing / distribution is satisfactory to me.. it will be THEN the words will be released / distributed in PRINT and downloadable readable text. Even now, with the many words that be right now on this site it saddens me a bit that not all are (able) to see and not all are (able) to hear them IF someone were to read to them. For I, even I have the understanding that these words are vital to the souls of mankind, yet not all are (able) to receive from them because they have eyes and see not and they have ears and they hear not; but that will not be so with the releasing / distribution of the BOOKS, the many, many books that will come from my assignment.
I want you to understand this readers , listeners and followers... the extent of this which I say is broad. The BRAILLE / AUDIO will reach EVERY NATION. I know (in most cases) we do not think past "our nations" but there be many continents out there and many languages and it is MY DESIRE and because I know who I am and that it is The Creator who has confirmed in me and to me that it is HIS WILL to meet MY DESIRE... therefore know... the BOOKS will reach EVERY NATION.... the first will be last people... and the last (those that we think not of often enough) will be first.
Now, there is ONE gentleman really... only ONE gentleman ( a retired mail clerk) that comes to mind that I would like to dedicate these words to but I wish not to say his name for the minds / hearts of mankind is wicked and instead of compassion towards one they would point the finger... which is very saddening to me.
I am not an author or publisher, I have no knowledge on the how to, the where or the people it will take to make all this happen, I am not "well off" with finances, I have no real "connection" with those that do such things but, I trust that .. and really.. I ALREADY KNOW that it will be the Most High God, The Creator of The Heavens and The Earth will provide me with all I need and connect me with those that be to accomplish MY DESIRE unto those who:
I, Tina Mary Martin of New Orleans do NOT want there to be ANY, ANY confusion in who I serve. There are way too many "gods" that mankind believe in and proclaim to be a thing. DO NOT BE CONFUSED mankind... it is JESUS, JESUS, JESUS whom I serve. That same one that Pharaoh desired to kill, the same one who turned water to wine, the same one who Thomas doubted in... HE IS THE SAME ONE! I, Tina Mary Martin do NOT care to hear how the "letter J" was not in the "original" writings and the pronunciation was not with a "J " ... you can KEEP ALL THAT ...."information"...... to yourself.
I say this boldly... if you do not believe in HE whom I believe in... then let THIS be your last reading of the many things that be available on this site and go.... serve your "god".
I desire to inform all of the books to come concerning The Pit.
The first will be last and the last will be first.
The Kingdom of God has made it perfectly clear to me that: the releasing / distribution of the BOOKS can and will be done the way that MY HEART desires and it is MY DESIRE that the first be last and the last be first.
The releasing / distribution of the BOOKS will be unto the blind and hearing impaired first. For those who have eyes and see not and for those who have ears and hear not.
The first releasing / distribution of the BOOKS will be in BRAILLE and AUDIO and made available through specific facilities that cater to the BLIND and HEARING IMPAIRED. I am not at all one that purchase many books or watchful of "new authors" as they are called, but one thing is sure... when they release / distribute their "words" it is in the PRINT form be it paperback or a download version, that will NOT be the case with this thing; that which The Kingdom of The Most High God will have me doing and that being: Enter the PIT nightly (as they have said) and retrieving the testimonies of those that be presently tormented in the PIT. To see what I can see with my eyes and tell you of it, to smell what I can smell and tell you of it, to tell you of the horrors that be that await those of you who even now, right now read these very words IF you do not:
After and only after I am satisfied with the releasing / distribution of the BRAILLE and AUDIO releasing... after I have fixed in my heart and communicated with a fair amount of BRAILLE / AUDIO publishers and the releasing / distribution is satisfactory to me.. it will be THEN the words will be released / distributed in PRINT and downloadable readable text. Even now, with the many words that be right now on this site it saddens me a bit that not all are (able) to see and not all are (able) to hear them IF someone were to read to them. For I, even I have the understanding that these words are vital to the souls of mankind, yet not all are (able) to receive from them because they have eyes and see not and they have ears and they hear not; but that will not be so with the releasing / distribution of the BOOKS, the many, many books that will come from my assignment.
I want you to understand this readers , listeners and followers... the extent of this which I say is broad. The BRAILLE / AUDIO will reach EVERY NATION. I know (in most cases) we do not think past "our nations" but there be many continents out there and many languages and it is MY DESIRE and because I know who I am and that it is The Creator who has confirmed in me and to me that it is HIS WILL to meet MY DESIRE... therefore know... the BOOKS will reach EVERY NATION.... the first will be last people... and the last (those that we think not of often enough) will be first.
Now, there is ONE gentleman really... only ONE gentleman ( a retired mail clerk) that comes to mind that I would like to dedicate these words to but I wish not to say his name for the minds / hearts of mankind is wicked and instead of compassion towards one they would point the finger... which is very saddening to me.
I am not an author or publisher, I have no knowledge on the how to, the where or the people it will take to make all this happen, I am not "well off" with finances, I have no real "connection" with those that do such things but, I trust that .. and really.. I ALREADY KNOW that it will be the Most High God, The Creator of The Heavens and The Earth will provide me with all I need and connect me with those that be to accomplish MY DESIRE unto those who:
Another gift delivered to my PO Box on January 06, 2018 from The Lover of My Soul, The Lord My God, He who has captivated my heart, fully persuaded me that it is HE who loves me and that HE will never leave me or forsake me, HE who has become the APPLE of my eyes. It is a beautiful thing and it takes an obedient one(s) to hear the voice of The Creator to purchase a thing and send it. Even if it means purchasing me an tiara with matching earrings to be worn when instructed. !TO GOD BE THE GLORY!... THANK YOU ALABAMA.
January 16, 2018 - Shah'lis
Greetings, Greetings to you all... I write to you with great excitement.
For those of you who have listened to the BACK TO SCHOOL 22 conversation; you know that I (now) have another with me that walks the land. In the beginning it was Llye (My Defender) He who never leaves my side and now I have Shah'lis. I was excited to hear of her purpose for being sent. I must say.. I live a fantastic life. It can be quite challenging at times to exercise my faith as require by The Lord Thy God, but so far, so good. I am writing because I want to share some of the words with you (in a written form) of what Shah'lis said to me. Now again, these very words are spoken in the BACK TO SCHOOL 22 Conversation about forty minutes into the conversation. I am excited about the approaching of THE ANOINTING OIL. I said to myself after listening to the conversation.. " wow, that day must be within months for her to be sent".. so do know, I am just as exited and eager as you all are. Now, I cannot say that I am excited about going to hell... smh... who would be.. but, the Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ escorting me and the ANOINTING OIL and the garment of praise.. well,.. I should be pretty protected.
Let me tell you what I do know... I know MANY of you don't believe and even when THE ANOINTING OIL arrives, you still will not believe... it will not be until you read the many books (that will come) and you read about your very love ones... then.. you will have a "Aha" moment... not too much I have to say about that one.. it will be ONLY THE GREAT GOD who will make the final call on your soul and where it will have it's final "resting place"... as we say in the land.
Well, there is no "rest" for the sinful so.....
I give to you now, the words of MY HELP: SHAH'LIS:
"I greet you today Madam Ambassador.
my name is Shah'lis Madame Ambassador and I am here Madam Ambassador to serve you; for it is I who have been called Madam Ambassador to walk with you child; for the days of the ANOINTING OIL to be in your possession Madame approaches ....and I Shah'lis Madam Ambassador, will help you Madam to anoint yourself child to prepare you child for the things that you are to do for the GREAT LORD GOD Madam Ambassador . We must walk carefully together Madam Ambassador.
I will communicate with you often Madame Ambassador even now and through the time of anointing Madam Ambassador. We must walk wisely together Madam Ambassador so that all things be accomplished according to the will and desire of the Lord Thy God child ;for there are great things that will take place Madam Ambassador in your life and I Shah'lis am here to help you... I am to serve you Madam Ambassador . I am as Lyle is Madame Ambassador I am in the land with you Madam Ambassador and I will remain in the land with you Madam Ambassador to serve you accordingly. It will be I Madame Ambassador that will speak much words into your ears in the night time child so the voice that you will hear Madame Ambassador will be mine. I am Shah'lis and I am here Madam Ambassador to serve you. There be many of us Ambassador that be in the Kingdom of God which are ready to serve you Madam Ambassador but ,they remain above Ambassador and I have been sent here child.
Call on me Madam Ambassador anytime and I will answer immediately child. I will speak to you often in the night. I will bring to your remembrance Ambassador, things that you are to do and things that you have not yet completed .
Madam Ambassador and those things that you think you have forgotten you have not forgotten Madam Ambassador for it is my task to remind you ...nothing will be forgotten.
Do understand Madam Ambassador that it is the words that come out of your mouth in which mankind will live and which mankind will die Madam Ambassador and we are grateful Madam Ambassador that you are not one which have (as you say in your land) " a hot temper "... for you are not one that gets angered easily."....
For those of you who have listened to the BACK TO SCHOOL 22 conversation; you know that I (now) have another with me that walks the land. In the beginning it was Llye (My Defender) He who never leaves my side and now I have Shah'lis. I was excited to hear of her purpose for being sent. I must say.. I live a fantastic life. It can be quite challenging at times to exercise my faith as require by The Lord Thy God, but so far, so good. I am writing because I want to share some of the words with you (in a written form) of what Shah'lis said to me. Now again, these very words are spoken in the BACK TO SCHOOL 22 Conversation about forty minutes into the conversation. I am excited about the approaching of THE ANOINTING OIL. I said to myself after listening to the conversation.. " wow, that day must be within months for her to be sent".. so do know, I am just as exited and eager as you all are. Now, I cannot say that I am excited about going to hell... smh... who would be.. but, the Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ escorting me and the ANOINTING OIL and the garment of praise.. well,.. I should be pretty protected.
Let me tell you what I do know... I know MANY of you don't believe and even when THE ANOINTING OIL arrives, you still will not believe... it will not be until you read the many books (that will come) and you read about your very love ones... then.. you will have a "Aha" moment... not too much I have to say about that one.. it will be ONLY THE GREAT GOD who will make the final call on your soul and where it will have it's final "resting place"... as we say in the land.
Well, there is no "rest" for the sinful so.....
I give to you now, the words of MY HELP: SHAH'LIS:
"I greet you today Madam Ambassador.
my name is Shah'lis Madame Ambassador and I am here Madam Ambassador to serve you; for it is I who have been called Madam Ambassador to walk with you child; for the days of the ANOINTING OIL to be in your possession Madame approaches ....and I Shah'lis Madam Ambassador, will help you Madam to anoint yourself child to prepare you child for the things that you are to do for the GREAT LORD GOD Madam Ambassador . We must walk carefully together Madam Ambassador.
I will communicate with you often Madame Ambassador even now and through the time of anointing Madam Ambassador. We must walk wisely together Madam Ambassador so that all things be accomplished according to the will and desire of the Lord Thy God child ;for there are great things that will take place Madam Ambassador in your life and I Shah'lis am here to help you... I am to serve you Madam Ambassador . I am as Lyle is Madame Ambassador I am in the land with you Madam Ambassador and I will remain in the land with you Madam Ambassador to serve you accordingly. It will be I Madame Ambassador that will speak much words into your ears in the night time child so the voice that you will hear Madame Ambassador will be mine. I am Shah'lis and I am here Madam Ambassador to serve you. There be many of us Ambassador that be in the Kingdom of God which are ready to serve you Madam Ambassador but ,they remain above Ambassador and I have been sent here child.
Call on me Madam Ambassador anytime and I will answer immediately child. I will speak to you often in the night. I will bring to your remembrance Ambassador, things that you are to do and things that you have not yet completed .
Madam Ambassador and those things that you think you have forgotten you have not forgotten Madam Ambassador for it is my task to remind you ...nothing will be forgotten.
Do understand Madam Ambassador that it is the words that come out of your mouth in which mankind will live and which mankind will die Madam Ambassador and we are grateful Madam Ambassador that you are not one which have (as you say in your land) " a hot temper "... for you are not one that gets angered easily."....
June 25, 2018: Here is Wisdom
I hesitated to release these few words because of the lack of understanding of mankind... but.. because there are some that do know. Because there are some that do understand. Because there are some that do watch... and that some be the 400,000,000 (four hundred thousand thousand) that be the bride.. and because it was the Father, God of ALL CREATION who instructed you and informed you to "watch my feet" for I am your clock... I release this WISDOM given unto me. I shared these few words with the small, small group of people that God Almighty has set aside for me and is adding at HIS own good will... those who are helping in the background and volunteering to help birth the audio book(s) that are coming forth in AMERICAN ENGLISH, KRIO and BETE and the eBOOKS that are coming forth in AMERICAN ENGLISH and SPANISH...all which are tedious job. All to help ensure that all mankind... as many as can be reached may: HEAR, KNOW and UNDERSTAND.
These are the few words I released:
I hesitated to release these few words because of the lack of understanding of mankind... but.. because there are some that do know. Because there are some that do understand. Because there are some that do watch... and that some be the 400,000,000 (four hundred thousand thousand) that be the bride.. and because it was the Father, God of ALL CREATION who instructed you and informed you to "watch my feet" for I am your clock... I release this WISDOM given unto me. I shared these few words with the small, small group of people that God Almighty has set aside for me and is adding at HIS own good will... those who are helping in the background and volunteering to help birth the audio book(s) that are coming forth in AMERICAN ENGLISH, KRIO and BETE and the eBOOKS that are coming forth in AMERICAN ENGLISH and SPANISH...all which are tedious job. All to help ensure that all mankind... as many as can be reached may: HEAR, KNOW and UNDERSTAND.
These are the few words I released:
July 08, 2018: Preparation for The Anointing Oil
I have words to share concerning The Anointing Oil.
I was in my home painting and plastering walls. It was about twelve noon and I was up on a latter. Now, I released already the information that I lived with my parents in their home until the time of their death: my mom in 2017 and my dad in 2018. My parents died without knowing who I am. It was while living with my parents (while they were alive) that I received the word to MAKE A SAFE PLACE FOR THE ANOINTING OIL with detailed instructions that I cannot release. So, I did that... I purchase a 11x 12x 13x SAFE ,102 pounds with the anticipation that The Anointing Oil will come packages a particular way and believing (within myself) that it needs to stand upright once received...and it (the SAFE) was with me while I was in my parents' home with them. Upon the death of my parents I slowly moved out of their home and back to my home.. leaving items behind here and there, one of those items being the SAFE... in no real rush to vacate the Estate.
So, I bring you now to July 08, 2018. I was up on a latter plastering and I began to get the overwhelming unction to !STOP! and go get the SAFE. When it first came to me (while on the latter) I said out loud and softly.. "ok".. and continued plastering. The overwhelming / unable to focus on nothing else continued another FIVE TIMES (because each time I felt it I would simply say "ok".. but I would not stop working. It was the last !STOP! AND GO GET THE SAFE unction came that I ... in an almost aggravated way said ! OOOOO..K.!.. I got off the latter, started wiping the paint and plaster off my hands onto my work shirt, just grabbed my keys and ID and walked out the house. I didn't turn off lights or double-check anything before walking out.. I just grabbed what was needed and walked out. I arrived at The Estate and as I turned the key to the house the unction left. You see... I was being told to: STOP! .. and GO GET THE SAFE!
Upon the arrival of The Anointing Oil I have instructions you see.. and I was unable to follow the instructions of The Kingdom concerning The Anointing Oil because the SAFE was not in position nor was I in position to receive The Anointing Oil (upon arrival).
Understand this, the things that we do causes things to move or it causes things to stop.
Your obedience and your disobedience.
Your obedience cause things to move / to happen and your disobedience cause things not to move or to stop.. and it's not just outright disobedience.. it could be procrastination, laziness, refusal to do a thing at a certain time or failing to see the importance of a thing .. it causes things to stop.
I trust that the time that the SAFE has been at the Estate (apart from me) that nothing "slowed down" or was "held up".
So, that completes the information (update / step) of The Anointing Oil. It was the small team that now work with me that encouraged me to release these words to you, for they said.. and I quote:
I am with hope that these few words have been informative to you all. I'm excited about my life and I as many of you strive to walk up-right before The Lord Our God and to do things that are pleasing in HIS eyes. I want to add, when I moved out of my home to be with my parents; the tabernacle that I erected for The Lord Our God was taken down and all things (furniture, writing material) put aside. Now that I am back in my home I will be putting all things back into place.
lastly I want to say: I hope many of you have taken advantage of downloading the free eBOOKS that have been made available to you within the store out of obedience (with instructions) in addition to love and concern for mankind...It is one thing to listen to the 2016, 2017 WARNING (while online) but a whole different feel when you can take your time and read the words / conversations of the many speaker(s) for yourself. They have been made available to you for your hearing , learning, understanding and preparation. Only a wise man will take advantage of knowledge (while it is available). I am not without the understanding that millions listen for "entertainment purposes" and not for knowledge. As of this day: July 9, 2018 there has been 7,793 people to visit / view this website... now.. how many "views / visits" are unto true learning and preparation and how many are unto entertaining... (as we say in the land)..ONLY GOD KNOWS.
I have words to share concerning The Anointing Oil.
I was in my home painting and plastering walls. It was about twelve noon and I was up on a latter. Now, I released already the information that I lived with my parents in their home until the time of their death: my mom in 2017 and my dad in 2018. My parents died without knowing who I am. It was while living with my parents (while they were alive) that I received the word to MAKE A SAFE PLACE FOR THE ANOINTING OIL with detailed instructions that I cannot release. So, I did that... I purchase a 11x 12x 13x SAFE ,102 pounds with the anticipation that The Anointing Oil will come packages a particular way and believing (within myself) that it needs to stand upright once received...and it (the SAFE) was with me while I was in my parents' home with them. Upon the death of my parents I slowly moved out of their home and back to my home.. leaving items behind here and there, one of those items being the SAFE... in no real rush to vacate the Estate.
So, I bring you now to July 08, 2018. I was up on a latter plastering and I began to get the overwhelming unction to !STOP! and go get the SAFE. When it first came to me (while on the latter) I said out loud and softly.. "ok".. and continued plastering. The overwhelming / unable to focus on nothing else continued another FIVE TIMES (because each time I felt it I would simply say "ok".. but I would not stop working. It was the last !STOP! AND GO GET THE SAFE unction came that I ... in an almost aggravated way said ! OOOOO..K.!.. I got off the latter, started wiping the paint and plaster off my hands onto my work shirt, just grabbed my keys and ID and walked out the house. I didn't turn off lights or double-check anything before walking out.. I just grabbed what was needed and walked out. I arrived at The Estate and as I turned the key to the house the unction left. You see... I was being told to: STOP! .. and GO GET THE SAFE!
Upon the arrival of The Anointing Oil I have instructions you see.. and I was unable to follow the instructions of The Kingdom concerning The Anointing Oil because the SAFE was not in position nor was I in position to receive The Anointing Oil (upon arrival).
Understand this, the things that we do causes things to move or it causes things to stop.
Your obedience and your disobedience.
Your obedience cause things to move / to happen and your disobedience cause things not to move or to stop.. and it's not just outright disobedience.. it could be procrastination, laziness, refusal to do a thing at a certain time or failing to see the importance of a thing .. it causes things to stop.
I trust that the time that the SAFE has been at the Estate (apart from me) that nothing "slowed down" or was "held up".
So, that completes the information (update / step) of The Anointing Oil. It was the small team that now work with me that encouraged me to release these words to you, for they said.. and I quote:
I am with hope that these few words have been informative to you all. I'm excited about my life and I as many of you strive to walk up-right before The Lord Our God and to do things that are pleasing in HIS eyes. I want to add, when I moved out of my home to be with my parents; the tabernacle that I erected for The Lord Our God was taken down and all things (furniture, writing material) put aside. Now that I am back in my home I will be putting all things back into place.
lastly I want to say: I hope many of you have taken advantage of downloading the free eBOOKS that have been made available to you within the store out of obedience (with instructions) in addition to love and concern for mankind...It is one thing to listen to the 2016, 2017 WARNING (while online) but a whole different feel when you can take your time and read the words / conversations of the many speaker(s) for yourself. They have been made available to you for your hearing , learning, understanding and preparation. Only a wise man will take advantage of knowledge (while it is available). I am not without the understanding that millions listen for "entertainment purposes" and not for knowledge. As of this day: July 9, 2018 there has been 7,793 people to visit / view this website... now.. how many "views / visits" are unto true learning and preparation and how many are unto entertaining... (as we say in the land)..ONLY GOD KNOWS.
My thoughts concerning the: DAYS OF DARKNESS
So let's talk DAYS OF DARKNESS.
Do I, Tina Mary Martin believe the words that I am hearing from the many people / witnesses that are speaking, the answer is yes. Have I started preparing me and my home for these approaching DAYS OF DARKNESS, the answer is yes and ABSOLUTELY. Am I concerned about what people will say (to me) or (at me) as I prepare, the answer is no, no and no again. Now, do know that I have absolutely no "inside scoop" or inner knowledge of this event that will happen across the globe. No man, woman or child that lives / abides in any place will be exempt from this action.. no.. not even the holy land Jerusalem as there are people there who are walking in unrighteousness. So.. I am writing these few words to put a thing on your mine called: AFTERMATH. What about the AFTERMATH of the DAYS OF DARKNESS that approaches the land. I say... yes, I believe (as it is being said) that... those who have been created for that time will be loosed upon the earth (that being The Wrath of God) to destroy / kill mankind... but what about the AFTERMATH... what about the DEAD BODIES.
I believe that mankind will be disobedient and NOT cover / protect their windows, I believe that mankind will NOT stay inside their homes or where ever they may be when this event happens... they will go outside, they will look out the window out of curiosity and millions will die... they will be dead.. so.. WHAT ABOUT THE DEAD BODIES.
As those who are disobedient go outside and are killed; their corpse will like in the street decaying. The death / killing of mankind will be real. Yes.. it will be a "Spiritual"... "Supernatural" event that will happen (at the command of God Almighty... but the people... the men, women, children and possibly animals that they (the unclean) will kill will be 100% natural, living, breathing people... real people.. your neighbors, my friends, your schoolmates, parents, grandparents, relatives of all kind and co-workers.. real people. As they move in disobedience and are killed in the streets or in their homes as they look out their windows (in curiosity)... we will have corpse (dead people) lying in the streets EVERY WHERE for the length of the DAYS OF DARKNESS.
Have you considered that? The event will be real, those who will die will be real.
As we (who remain in our homes) are "protected" there in... when we open our doors at the appointed time.. we will see death all around us. Decaying bodies. Do you think that after the unclean (that which will abide in the darkness) .. do you think the unclean will "supernaturally" remove the physical dead bodies of our loved ones and place the somewhere?
Consider this... outside of our windows (as we abide in our homes) we will hear the sounds of death and horror. What man, woman or child you know "dies silently". There will be screaming, choking, running, fighting.. possibly window breakage in vehicles as (they who be outside) will try to escape and hide in the vehicles from that which will abide in the darkness.
AFTERMATH... what about the AFTERMATH? Will the "government" call to order a massively burial?
Will there be bulldozers and other large machinery removing the dead bodies and animals out the streets, highways, backyards or in the lakes (where people have attempted to swim away... WHAT ABOUT THE AFTERMATH?
How will we be as a people in the land after that "act of wrath" upon mankind?
- will things ever... be the "same".
-Humbly Written,
Do I, Tina Mary Martin believe the words that I am hearing from the many people / witnesses that are speaking, the answer is yes. Have I started preparing me and my home for these approaching DAYS OF DARKNESS, the answer is yes and ABSOLUTELY. Am I concerned about what people will say (to me) or (at me) as I prepare, the answer is no, no and no again. Now, do know that I have absolutely no "inside scoop" or inner knowledge of this event that will happen across the globe. No man, woman or child that lives / abides in any place will be exempt from this action.. no.. not even the holy land Jerusalem as there are people there who are walking in unrighteousness. So.. I am writing these few words to put a thing on your mine called: AFTERMATH. What about the AFTERMATH of the DAYS OF DARKNESS that approaches the land. I say... yes, I believe (as it is being said) that... those who have been created for that time will be loosed upon the earth (that being The Wrath of God) to destroy / kill mankind... but what about the AFTERMATH... what about the DEAD BODIES.
I believe that mankind will be disobedient and NOT cover / protect their windows, I believe that mankind will NOT stay inside their homes or where ever they may be when this event happens... they will go outside, they will look out the window out of curiosity and millions will die... they will be dead.. so.. WHAT ABOUT THE DEAD BODIES.
As those who are disobedient go outside and are killed; their corpse will like in the street decaying. The death / killing of mankind will be real. Yes.. it will be a "Spiritual"... "Supernatural" event that will happen (at the command of God Almighty... but the people... the men, women, children and possibly animals that they (the unclean) will kill will be 100% natural, living, breathing people... real people.. your neighbors, my friends, your schoolmates, parents, grandparents, relatives of all kind and co-workers.. real people. As they move in disobedience and are killed in the streets or in their homes as they look out their windows (in curiosity)... we will have corpse (dead people) lying in the streets EVERY WHERE for the length of the DAYS OF DARKNESS.
Have you considered that? The event will be real, those who will die will be real.
As we (who remain in our homes) are "protected" there in... when we open our doors at the appointed time.. we will see death all around us. Decaying bodies. Do you think that after the unclean (that which will abide in the darkness) .. do you think the unclean will "supernaturally" remove the physical dead bodies of our loved ones and place the somewhere?
Consider this... outside of our windows (as we abide in our homes) we will hear the sounds of death and horror. What man, woman or child you know "dies silently". There will be screaming, choking, running, fighting.. possibly window breakage in vehicles as (they who be outside) will try to escape and hide in the vehicles from that which will abide in the darkness.
AFTERMATH... what about the AFTERMATH? Will the "government" call to order a massively burial?
Will there be bulldozers and other large machinery removing the dead bodies and animals out the streets, highways, backyards or in the lakes (where people have attempted to swim away... WHAT ABOUT THE AFTERMATH?
How will we be as a people in the land after that "act of wrath" upon mankind?
- will things ever... be the "same".
-Humbly Written,
Sharing Words for my assignment to: PENNSYLVANIA
Today is June 26, 2019 and I want to assure you all (mankind across the globe) that I have moved in obedience to the words which came from The Council of God on June 23, 2019 in reference to the invitation and that was to start a fast immediately.
The assigned fast will run for the duration of seventy-four days (74).
My Monday thru Friday food intake will be my morning coffee @7:30am (while at work) and when the need to eat arrives I will have one ( 1 ) chef salad, my additional liquid intake will be water and powerade. Weekends (Saturday and Sunday) while off from work my intake will be two ( 2 ) chef salads with the liquid intake of water and powerade. Additionally, I will also move in obedience to the anointing of the (bottom) of my feet. The day (of the flight) before leaving I will anoint the (bottom) of my feet while still in my State (Louisiana) therefore when I step off the plane into Pennsylvania; my feet will be anointed upon entry.
May The Most High and Magnificent God be merciful unto those HE will to have mercy on in Pennsylvania.
Thy will be done.
The assigned fast will run for the duration of seventy-four days (74).
My Monday thru Friday food intake will be my morning coffee @7:30am (while at work) and when the need to eat arrives I will have one ( 1 ) chef salad, my additional liquid intake will be water and powerade. Weekends (Saturday and Sunday) while off from work my intake will be two ( 2 ) chef salads with the liquid intake of water and powerade. Additionally, I will also move in obedience to the anointing of the (bottom) of my feet. The day (of the flight) before leaving I will anoint the (bottom) of my feet while still in my State (Louisiana) therefore when I step off the plane into Pennsylvania; my feet will be anointed upon entry.
May The Most High and Magnificent God be merciful unto those HE will to have mercy on in Pennsylvania.
Thy will be done.
July 18, 2019 - Just some added information
Greetings to you all,
I want to first thank everyone who has visited the site and continue to visit also for sharing the information with others so that they too can visit the site. As of today: July 18, 2019 @12:17 noon according to the WEEBLY APP that allows me to see the activity of the site, (i.e) what search engines are used to view the site (ex),,, etc..., how many pages are viewed and how many NEW VISITORS have viewed the site. It also tracks the "clicks" of the viewers meaning... how many pages / tabs they viewed. As of today 20,113 ( twenty thousand, one hundred and thirteen) people have viewed the site from the time it started in May 2017 until now July 18, 2019 and I thank each and every one of you... rather you viewed out of curiosity, to get information or to truly hear what THE GREAT I AM and The Many Host of Heaven are saying at this time.
Just to update you; as of today I have not received the anticipated Anointing Oil.
After discussing it with THE TEAM MEMBERS that you have heard God Almighty speaks of... if The Anointing Oil has not arrived in time for the first assigned trip to Pennsylvania, then I will use the anointing oil that I have in my home to anoint the bottom of my feet as instructed by The Council of God.
I know that God Almighty know exactly what HE is doing therefore I am not "stressing" it's arrival.. it will come in its perfecting timing. I also want to add that I have informed the Pennsylvania and Georgia invitees that I will have my camcorder (video recording device) with me to "catch" footage of all things and I will do my best to place that footage on the site in an addition tab that will be titled accordingly. I want to (cautiously) share some words right now:
Please know that the will of The Most High and Magnificent God will be done in HIS timing and in the lands that HE choose.. rather you send an invitation or not. Do not think within yourself: I'm not going to send her an invitation cuz I don't want anything to happen here or I'm not prepared yet.... All things will happen in HIS timing rather HE uses me or not... THIS LAND WILL END AND THE WEDDING OF THE BRIDE UNTO HER KING WILL HAPPEN. And lastly to the 2 (two) that allowed God Almighty to use them to send the invitation(s) inviting me to Pennsylvania and Georgia... not entertaining fear or giving place to the thought of a possible DENIAL... again... not allowing those things to stop you and moving forward with the unction, feeling, desire and or command to send the invitation... I say to you.. THANK YOU and may the will of The Lord Our God be done.
I will see you soon
I want to first thank everyone who has visited the site and continue to visit also for sharing the information with others so that they too can visit the site. As of today: July 18, 2019 @12:17 noon according to the WEEBLY APP that allows me to see the activity of the site, (i.e) what search engines are used to view the site (ex),,, etc..., how many pages are viewed and how many NEW VISITORS have viewed the site. It also tracks the "clicks" of the viewers meaning... how many pages / tabs they viewed. As of today 20,113 ( twenty thousand, one hundred and thirteen) people have viewed the site from the time it started in May 2017 until now July 18, 2019 and I thank each and every one of you... rather you viewed out of curiosity, to get information or to truly hear what THE GREAT I AM and The Many Host of Heaven are saying at this time.
Just to update you; as of today I have not received the anticipated Anointing Oil.
After discussing it with THE TEAM MEMBERS that you have heard God Almighty speaks of... if The Anointing Oil has not arrived in time for the first assigned trip to Pennsylvania, then I will use the anointing oil that I have in my home to anoint the bottom of my feet as instructed by The Council of God.
I know that God Almighty know exactly what HE is doing therefore I am not "stressing" it's arrival.. it will come in its perfecting timing. I also want to add that I have informed the Pennsylvania and Georgia invitees that I will have my camcorder (video recording device) with me to "catch" footage of all things and I will do my best to place that footage on the site in an addition tab that will be titled accordingly. I want to (cautiously) share some words right now:
Please know that the will of The Most High and Magnificent God will be done in HIS timing and in the lands that HE choose.. rather you send an invitation or not. Do not think within yourself: I'm not going to send her an invitation cuz I don't want anything to happen here or I'm not prepared yet.... All things will happen in HIS timing rather HE uses me or not... THIS LAND WILL END AND THE WEDDING OF THE BRIDE UNTO HER KING WILL HAPPEN. And lastly to the 2 (two) that allowed God Almighty to use them to send the invitation(s) inviting me to Pennsylvania and Georgia... not entertaining fear or giving place to the thought of a possible DENIAL... again... not allowing those things to stop you and moving forward with the unction, feeling, desire and or command to send the invitation... I say to you.. THANK YOU and may the will of The Lord Our God be done.
I will see you soon
November 21, 2019 and 3 DAYS have passed.
It was in October 2016 (3 DAY AGO)... (3 years) that God Almighty instructed me to start releasing the conversations and warning that they've given me. It was months following that The Kingdom began saying: I will be "crying out in the wilderness" for 3 DAYS and at the completion of 3 DAYS I will then move into traveling / walking the land bringing forth the will of GOD (as Moses).
Effective October 2019 those 3 DAYS were completed and I have stepped into walking out my next assignment which is to: walk the land and bring forth GOD'S WILL accompanied with manifestations. Since October 2019 no warnings have come forth (out of me), I now travel / walk the land as it was said by The Kingdom ( 3 DAYS AGO). I write these few words now to CONCLUDE / CLOSE OUT this page as I have no more "personal thoughts or words" to add. As commanded by GOD ALMIGHTY I am to write of my Assignment(s) as I walk them out, writing of the physical, natural and spiritual events as they occur and bring forth in a book: FOR GOD'S GLORY (Making the way for The Returning King (Volume 1)... which will be made available in Store # 1 in a digital format only (for purchase) in time. MAY THE WILL OF THE LORD BE DONE... AMEN
It was in October 2016 (3 DAY AGO)... (3 years) that God Almighty instructed me to start releasing the conversations and warning that they've given me. It was months following that The Kingdom began saying: I will be "crying out in the wilderness" for 3 DAYS and at the completion of 3 DAYS I will then move into traveling / walking the land bringing forth the will of GOD (as Moses).
Effective October 2019 those 3 DAYS were completed and I have stepped into walking out my next assignment which is to: walk the land and bring forth GOD'S WILL accompanied with manifestations. Since October 2019 no warnings have come forth (out of me), I now travel / walk the land as it was said by The Kingdom ( 3 DAYS AGO). I write these few words now to CONCLUDE / CLOSE OUT this page as I have no more "personal thoughts or words" to add. As commanded by GOD ALMIGHTY I am to write of my Assignment(s) as I walk them out, writing of the physical, natural and spiritual events as they occur and bring forth in a book: FOR GOD'S GLORY (Making the way for The Returning King (Volume 1)... which will be made available in Store # 1 in a digital format only (for purchase) in time. MAY THE WILL OF THE LORD BE DONE... AMEN