PLEASE NOTE: This symbol (-) indicates a missing word. The symbol is warranted in the sentence to show importance to the statement. The symbol is the word spoken in a Heavenly language...again, warranted. The words of The Kingdom as heard by Tina Martin as I sat in The School of Spirit. These are the words I heard in my hearing: August 12, 2016
We are the (-) that have council with The Father. We are the ones that stand before the THRONE and we have council with The Father, Tina. God is the (-) and we are forever present in front of The Father. We have council with Him. God is (-) for HE is The Father and The LORD of All. There are many that we have (-), Tina. We see the hearts of man as we sit before The Father. We are seated in the (-) of the (-). I know that you are the (-) for your name comes before us