This symbol (-) indicates a missing word. The symbol is warranted in the sentence to show the importance of the statement. The symbol is a word spoken in a heavenly language.. again warranted. Blessed be the Lord. Blessed is The Lord Almighty. Hallelujah. (-) Hallelujah. (-) God is worthy.
(-) Hallelujah. (he begins to sing a song in the beginning of the class). God is (-) Hallelujah. God is worthy to be praised. Hallelujah. God is worthy to be gloried. (-) He is worthy to be magnified. Blessed is the name of The Lord Our God. The Creator of Heaven and earth. The Light of the world. Great and Mighty, hallelujah, is the Lord Our God. Great and Mighty is the Lord Our God. He is worthy to be praised. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. PLEASE NOTE: The symbol (-) indicates a missing word. The symbol is warranted in the sentence to show the importance of the statement. The symbol is a word spoken in a heavenly language... again warranted. The words of The Kingdom as heard by Tina Martin as I sat in The School of Spirit. These are the words I heard in my hearing August 31, 2016 It is the coming of The Lord Jesus Christ that the world is waiting for. Understand the statement that I just made, children. It IS what they are WAITING for, but they are not a prepared people. They are waiting for the return of the Lord Jesus, The Christ, but they are an unprepared people. They are not aware that when HE does return, as it is being said, that HIS reward for every man will be in HIS hand. There will be an IMMEDIATE judgement given out. They believe, but they do not understand, the WHOLE "returning of Christ" in it's COMPLETION, in the HOLINESS that it is. They are ignorant concerning HIS return and, hallelujah, they are an unprepared people.
They are lacking GREAT understanding concerning The Lord's return. And though they "feel" they are a prepared people and they have what they call a "prayer life", they have no life. Children, the understanding that they do not have is so deep, that if one will begin to explain it to them, they would look at you as if you are a strange creature. Wondering, where did you get that information from you poor lost lamb? That is how they would look at you because it would be above them. They would not understand a word you would be saying. It would be alien to them. So, there is a timing for this type of truth to come out. I believe one of you have the understanding and or was simply told that some information that you gain cannot be screamed from the mountain top. It has to be given out in measures and even as given out in measures, it must be given to the correct people. PLEASE NOTE: This symbol (-) indicates a missing word. The symbol is warranted in the sentence to show the importance of the statement. The symbol is the word spoken in a heavenly language... again warranted The words of the Kingdom as heard by Tina Martin as I sat in School of Spirit. These are the words I heard in my hearing August 30, 2016 Use your brains, class, use your brains. God is worthy of your glory and all of your time, children. There is a purpose for everything and in everything there is purpose. There is a reason why you are sitting in silence. Do not judge things that you do not understand. Control your minds, your soul and your emotions while you are sitting in silence.
Do not let your mind wander, think on the things of God. Hallelujah. Do not let your mind become a play field. You do not know what is taking place right now. Everything, as said in the beginning, will not be lecturing. It is time to exercise your minds. Therefore, going forward for right now, that is what you will be doing in each class, unless the Professor at that time should say something different. But we have past the moment of introductory to your Scholars and now it is time to come up a little higher and exercise your mind, so be cooperative in that area so we can move forward. Hallelujah. PLEASE NOTE: This symbol (-_) indicates a missing word. The symbol is warranted in the sentence to show the importance of the statement. The symbol is a word spoken in a heavenly language... again warranted. The words of The Kingdom as heard by Tina Martin as I sat in School of Spirit. These are the words I heard in my hearing August 30, 2017 God, we lift your name up high. You are worthy to be praised and glorified and magnified this day. God, truly this is the day that the Lord has made and we shall rejoice and be glad in it. God, this is a great day in you. Thank You, Lord, for making all this possible. We will not take for granted this time that we are together, God. God, we are gathered together to do Your Will. God, to learn of Your Ways and to strive for excellence. You are worthy to be praised and glorified and magnified. God, You are The ONE, TRUE and LIVING GOD. There is no other name above The Name of Jesus. WONDERFUL IS HE. WONDERFUL IS HE. Hallelujah. We serve a Great God. We serve a Great God.
What a wonderful day to be in Jesus. Huh, class? It's a good thing to be caught up and tied up in Jesus. Where there is no confusion and no lack, to be caught up and tied up, tangled up in Jesus Christ. What a situation to be in. Wouldn't you all like to be in that situation? When you find yourself; wrapped up, tied up, tangled up, can't get loose. HOLY. HOLY. HOLY. Father, Thank You for this opportunity to be before your class today. Hallelujah. God, thank You for giving me the things I need to stand before the class and to deposit into them, so that they, too, can go into their lands and preach the gospel, to give life unto those that they may encounter in their lands, Lord God. You have a wonderful plan for them, God. Thank You, God, that even I am a part of your plan and thank You for this opportunity to stand before the class and to share words with them. Oh, God, it was an exciting day when you let me know it was my turn to stand before the class. It is a good day in You. God is worthy to be glorified and magnified, worthy to be lifted up. PLEASE NOTE: This symbol (-) indicates a missing word. The symbol is warranted to show the importance to the statement. The symbol is the word spoken in a heavenly language. The words of The Kingdom as heard by Tina Martin as I sat in The School of Spirit. These are the words I heard in my hearing August 29, 2016 Class opens with Hose' the Prayer:
Hallelujah. Hallelujah. (-) Hallelujah. (-) Hallelujah. (-) Hallelujah. In the Name of Jesus. Glory to God. Hallelujah. (-) Lord. (-) Yes Jesus. (-) In the Name of Jesus. Oh Father God, I thank You and I worship you today Lord (-). God, we thank You for today and we lift your name up high. For You are worthy, You are worthy to be praised and glorified and magnified THIS DAY God. Truly Lord, this is the day that the Lord has made and we shall rejoice, My God, and be glad in it. (-) God this is a GREAT DAY IN YOU. Hallelujah God! Thank you Lord for making ALL OF THIS POSSIBLE. Oh yes, GOD! Thank you for making ALL OF THIS POSSIBLE God. (-) We will not take for granted this time that we are together God. (-) God, we are gathered together to do your will. God, to learn of your ways (-) and to strive for excellence. (-) You are worthy to be praised and glorified and magnified God. You are the one true and living God. There is no other name above the name of Jesus. Wonderful is He. WONDERFUL is He. Hallelujah. We serve a GREAT God. We serve a GREAT God. Hallelujah. We serve a GREAT GOD. (-) Hallelujah, God. Oh my, my, my, hallelujah. What a wonderful day to be in Jesus! Hallelujah, huh, class? What a wonderful DAY to be in JESUS! Hallelujah! Oh it's a good thing to be caught up and tied up in Jesus! Hallelujah. Where there is no confusion and there is no lack. Hallelujah. To be caught up and tied up, tangled up, in Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. My, my, my, what a situation to be in. Wouldn't you all like to be in that situation where you find yourself WRAPPED UP, TIED UP, TANGLED UP, CAN'T GET LOOSE! (-). Oh, it's a GOOD THING, HALLELUJAH, to be TIED UP IN JESUS! Holy, Holy, Holy, My God! Father God, I thank you for this opportunity to be before your class today, hallelujah, God. Hallelujah. God, thank you for giving me the things I need, hallelujah, to stand before the class to and to deposit into them, hallelujah, the things that they need. (-) So that they, too, can go into their lands, hallelujah, and preach the gospel, hallelujah, God, to give life unto those that they may encounter in their lands, God. Oh, you have a WONDERFUL PLAN for them God. Thank you God, that even I am a part of Your Plan. I thank you for THIS opportunity, God, to stand before Your class and to share words with them. Oh God, thank you. It was an exciting day when you let me know that it was MY TURN! It was MY TURN to stand before the class. Aaahh God, it is a good Day in You. It is a GOOD DAY in YOU. Hallelujah. Well Father, we give your name the praise and the glory and the honor. Father God, we thank you for who you are. Father GOD, thank you for being God Almighty. Thank you for being our sustainer. (-) WHERE WOULD WE BE WITHOUT YOU GOD ALMIGHTY. HALLELUJAH. God, You are worthy. You are worthy to be praised, hallelujah, and we do praise You this day. My, my, my, my, my, hallelujah. Well good morning class, hallelujah. (-) Hallelujah. I am excited to see you all today. (-) This is the day that the LORD has made. Hallelujah. The LORD made this day. Hallelujah? I guess you all never thought about that really, but you will think about that, hallelujah, while here in The Kingdom of God. To know that THIS is the day, every time you are here, each time you are here in The Kingdom of God, you're going to know that THIS IS THE DAY. That day that we see is going to be THE DAY THAT THE LORD HAS MADE and we will rejoice ALWAYS here in The Kingdom of God, so you WILL REJOICE and you WILL BE GLAD IN IT. Hallelujah! Oh, my, my God. Well, I thank God for this opportunity to stand before you all this morning, hallelujah. I am your scholar today (-) and we are going to move forward with the classes. (-) Well, hallelujah, I am aware of all the things that have been said prior to me, hallelujah. The many scholars that you all have had the pleasure, hallelujah, some of them not very pleasurable, I understand that as well, but I understand that there has been several scholars that have come before me, so I am one to add to your list, hallelujah. I am your scholar for today. (-) They call me Hose'. That's what they call me, I am your scholar today and I am called Hose'. Hallelujah. We will now move forward with the class continuing on Kingdom, because I have the understanding that you all present know that is why you are here to learn of The Kingdom of God. Hallelujah, hallelujah. (-) Well, (-) you all look good today, hallelujah, in the Name of Jesus, (-). Just let me to look around the room and view you all for a moment. Hallelujah, hallelujah. (-) God is good. Hallelujah. My God (-) God is giving me the understanding class, one moment. (-) Sometimes class, hallelujah, you just have to wait on the Lord. (-) You just have to wait on the Lord. Hallelujah. I did have an agenda, hallelujah, but, if The Father Almighty says somethings different, you wait on the Lord. (-) |