It’s the same old sin that's been going on for years. Decades. The same wickedness. The same troubles. The same trials, but, yet, it catches them by surprise. New, every time. The troubles of the world are not new. I cause the rivers to overflow. I cause the banks to overflow. I cause the waters to rush in. God is worthy of your praise and of your glory, Tina He is worthy to be praised and I will cause you to know so much information about what is going to be going on in the world and I know the information is going to be a lot and you have already asked the question, "What are you suppose to do with all the information?" I will give you instructions. I will not leave you guessing on the information that I am going to give to you, for it is going to be hard. The information, Tina, it is going to be hard information. It's not easy information and it takes a responsible person to take this information that I'm going to give and be able to handle it and do the things that are required to have success in them, to be productive in them. This is for the world. This is for the body. There is a weight of the world that you must bear. There are a people that are bearing the weight of the world. Not many, but there is a people. There is a people bearing the weight of the world, they have, too, counted the cost. It is not a simple task, but, someone has to pray. You have made that statement for the LAST TIME. (side note: Often, text messages would go out about things that are happening in the world or my younger sister would mention something that has happened in the world from a news alert that she gets and I would say often... “Well, I can't pray about everything.“ That is the statement that the Holy Ghost is mentioning that I have said for the LAST TIME. Because I would feel, I can't pray for all that and that I don't need to know all that information and burden myself down with all that information and all the distress that the world is going through. That was the LAST TIME statement.) I will tell you what to pray about. You can pray for specific things and it is the effectual, fervent prayer of the righteous that availeth much. Why do the ***? Why do the ***? Why do you think the ***? There are answers I want from you, Tina. There is always a *** going on in the world. I know that you are the ****, Tina. I know that you are the *** and because I know that you are the ***, that is why I talk so much to you. I talk so much to you because I know that you are the *** and in due season you will understand all of this I am saying to you, but there is a time for you to understand, but it doesn't stop me from speaking it, you are the ***. You are on such a wild ride right now, Tina, that you don't even understand. Your course is so set for you, Tina. There are so many that have gone before you and have experienced the things that you are going to experience and they are mighty in God: because they are continuous in God, because they have not turned away from the things of God, because they maintained their humbleness and their integrity in God. They have gone before you, Tina, and those I can put you before, I will put you before, Tina. The life that you are going to live is going to blow your mind, as you continue to live a life unto God, its going to be an amazing ride for you. YES! You will write your words, you will scribe them, Tina, yes you will. That is a joy that you will have, but because you do have so many writings to write, you will write them.
Patriarchs. Matriarchs. The *** is already set for you. There are things that you are going to experience in this life that you are living. I know, there are people that walk throughout the earth, its a course of fire that they are walking in. They are already dead. They are waiting for judgement. Their course is already set. Why is it so, you ask? It's the unrighteous life that they are living. Their course is death. They will end up in THE PIT. The Word is true when it says, "Hell enlarges herself to accept mankind." I know you do not understand all that I am saying, Tina, but you will soon. You will soon. The revelation will be stunning to you. I will cause you to understand because you need to understand. Without understanding, you cannot help. Without understanding, you will not know what to pray. So, I will help you to understand. There are visions you have, there are ideas. We bind fear and procrastination. You will begin to move forward with the visions and the ideas that you have. Tina, there is so much I want to show you and as I show you, I want you to understand, because to have a lack of knowledge while in a vision is not useful. It’s not beneficial at all, to allow you to see something and never give you the understanding thereof is not beneficial. We are excited about you today, Tina. We want you to see. We want you to hear. We want you to understand. Things are allowed and when they are allowed, it is for a reason. The rivers of the banks will begin to overflow. Now, when I say the rivers of the banks will overflow, I'm not talking about destruction. The rivers of the banks; Of anointing, Of wisdom, Of understanding, Of guidance. They will begin to overflow, rivers of living water. The rivers, they will overflow and I'm speaking of the rivers in you, right now, for it will happen to many, but I am speaking of you right now. The rivers will overflow. All the *** that are scheduled, that are set, they are all in their places. There is a ***** that is ****. When these things begin to happen, the people will begin to cry out because of the ****. The *** are set in place to be able to receive the people. For when they begin to cry out, they will lead them to ME. Now, will all of them say YES to me? I already gave you that answer and I informed you that many will die, millions, millions will go into THE PIT, millions, but, this is not just about those that go into THE PIT. It is also about those that say, "YES!", that return unto me. So, there will be a two fold thing happening when that event happens because everyone is set in place. I see the ***. I see it, Tina, but, I cannot do one thing for one and not the other. They must have a chance to ****, chance happens to them all and it must continue to happen. When I think of the ***, the course of the world is violent. It’s violent. There is a nation of people on the way. What do I mean by nation? It’s a kind of people, a people that practice a thing, a people that acknowledges a thing, a people that live according to. A nation of people and they will be strong, mighty in battle. There is a nation of people that cometh. Now, I cannot begin to reveal all of this to you, Tina, but it is a pleasure for me to be able to share this information with you, to give you something to ponder and you will not ponder long, Tina. I will make all this clear to you. There is a time for this information to come out to the people. No, it is not because the people are not in their place, but there is a timing for everything, Tina. There is a timing for the releasing of information, whether that information is good or bad, there is a timing for it. Oh, you are the **** and it was a good thing for the *** to announce it out loud that, You are a SEER, you are a PROPHETESS, you are SCROLL WRITER and you will continue to write. (Side note: There was some Sundays past, when Apostle Wilson, my apostle, was praying for the body, individually, and I was about to leave for the day after staying until 90% of the body was prayed for and right when I was walking out Apostle said, “Catch Sister Tina." And it was at that time he, my apostle, said, "That I am a SEER, a PROPHETESS and that I am part of the prophetic.") You are needed in that body. You do have a roll to play there and it is there, it is to be played. You are a strong part of that ministry and I will continue to reveal that to you as I reveal it to the house. They too will know. Tina, you are the*** and I know I have told you this time and time again, but I really need you to know just how important you are and how important your life is. Timing is everything in me, Tina, and as much as I desire to thrust you out, I know that I must not too soon. You are powerful in ME. We are so excited about you. I know that there's ***, but there's so much I have to tell you, Tina. There's so much I want you to know and I know that timing is everything. Even in life, the life you are living, timing is everything. There are so ****and *** that are present, they are so**** and they know that the *** lives. They know that the *** lives. When I **** it is for a reason. “God is good all the time and all the time God is good”. That is what the people say, “God is good all the time and all the time God is good”. “God is good all the time and all the time God is good”. “God is good all the time and all the time God is good”. “God is good all the time and all the time God is good”. “God is good all the time and all the time God is good”. “God is good all the time and all the time God is good”. “God is good all the time and all the time God is good”. “God is good all the time and all the time God is good”. “God is good all the time and all the time God is good”. “God is good all the time and all the time God is good”. “God is good all the time and all the time God is good”. They act as if there is no fire in Father. YES! He is good, but there is fire in THE FATHER. There's fierceness in Him. They act as if there's no fierceness in Father. There is POWER in Father, thereby FIRE in the name of Jesus. They are so mellow, Tina. I don't mean to get upset behind it, but it’s so incorrect. It is so incorrect. Many are the sayings of the world, but they are not all in righteousness. They are not all in holiness. They are not all in truth. They are just sayings! Sayings that should stop! I can sit here and talk to you all day, but I could never express within this one day, this that you call day. It is such a delight to talk with you because you actually do listen. You are concerned about the things that concern me and I ***. When I see the *** that walk throughout the earth today, the people, they are so lost. Some do not want to return, but there are some that do. But, the evangelist is absent in the world today, the evangelist, those that cry out in the wilderness, Yes, truly the harvest is plenteous, but the laborers, it’s the laborers, the true laborers. When I think about the goodness of Jesus and all He's done for the people of the world, I cry out. Tina, there is so much, so much to tell you, so much to reveal, so much for you to write down. The world is on a course, the course is set. Yes, a course of destruction. Many people of this world already know that, they already know. They just make statement. This is the end. The world's going to Hell. That's what they say. It is true. No. It cannot be stopped. It cannot be stopped. Tina, I don't know what you can say to the people to make them change their minds, I don't know, Tina. That is the million dollar question, as it is said in the earth. They have to come to themselves, as you had to one day, but, many will not. They will die, millions, Tina, millions will die in their sin. It is not The Father's desire that any man should perish. They are occupied living, Tina. They are occupied living and I understand that they have to live, I do, but they are sooooo occupied living. During the destruction of the world, there will be much confusion. Souls will be lost. Children will die. Mothers will give up their lives for their children and when the *** they will see that it leads to nothing. They *** that they have given up to save the lives of their love ones will be *** without affect. Madness will be present. Confusion will be present. Suicide will be present. Hopelessness will be present. These things are the *** and they help bring forth THE END. The Coming. The closing of this time. When I see the *** that is in the world today my ***. There are people that are called, but they are not walking in their calling, because they are confused. Not only are they confused, they don't believe. It is a lack of belief. They don't believe that THEY should be doing a thing, so they are not moving in the calling that is very evident upon their lives. They will not speak, though I tell them to speak. They will not go, though I tell them to go, because they are asking the question, WHY ME? There are many that are ***, but I see as time passes and time is passing, ***. There is a body for everyone. Everything has its own body. The leaves has its own body. The sun has a body. The moon has a body. The stars have a body. The animals that are in front of you, they have a body. Everything has a body, but the *** they don't have a body. So, therefore, they roam to and fro looking for bodies. The *** that are set up ***. They are wanderers. They wander the earth and wander. They wander the earth seeking those whom they may destroy. They are avengers. I know that there are many *** because I created them. There is nothing that is created that I do not know of and you are right when you made the statement that, “All things are already created and that there is nothing new under the sun that's waiting to be created. Everything is already created.” There are courses set for every living thing that creepeth upon the earth. Everything has a course. There is a way that will be the end of them and it is set. I know that there are *** and I know that there are ways of escape, but they do not know that there are ways of escape for them. It is a lack of knowing that is the ****. Everything is aware of me, Tina. I am the ***. They are aware and I know that every living thing has a body. Every LIVING thing has a body. Understand my statement, EVERY LIVING THING HAS A BODY. THEY are not alive. They are wanderers. They are dead and they are void of something. They can’t be put in the category of living. They are void of something. They cannot even be considered because they are ****. The calling that is upon mankind is great, but many are not answering the call. That is the problem. Many are not answering the call. They think they are answering the call by doing the FOOLISH things that they are doing. As they entered the sanctuary and dress themselves up in dead man's clothes and stand before the people and preach a word unto them that is dry, it has no life in it. They are not ministers of the Word! They are not ministers of The Gospel! They are not my people, they are not ***. They are in error. I can eliminate them, if I wanted to, but there are some growing amongst them that are receiving and they need to continue to receive so they can grow up. In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth. He created all things and then he rested on the seventh day. Everything was complete. There was nothing else to be thought about. All things were created. They are here to kill, to steal and to destroy and they will continue to do just that. Kill. Steal. Destroy. As there are reasons, there are excuses. Here are the things I need you to know concerning the course, the path that you are on, Your life is important. Your living is important and its not like you're not striving to take care of yourself, but there are some things that I want you to know concerning yourself. You need to know these things so you know the importance of you. Everything has its importance, but we are talking to you right now, Tina, and because the things that you are going to do are great! We need you to be in agreement with the things that are going to happen through you and we need you to have the information. Now, listen to the words I am going to say to you. You will *** you are the **** you're going to the***. Don't worry, Tina, the whole *** is in you, Tina. You must continue, to continue is to bless others. You, Tina, are blessed beyond measure. Why can't you understand that it’s because of you these things are happening. It’s because of your obedience. Your obedience has come to the Father. I know the ending from the beginning. You will have such a peace about you, Tina. Write them down, Tina. DO NOT THINK YOURSELF SMALL! God loves you so much. Much, Father loves you so much. When I ***, Tina, I will let you know. When I ***, Tina, I will let you know. God is good. Yes, HE is. HE is mighty and strong, HE is King, Tina. God bless you today. Comments are closed.
(*) word without translationDescriptionThese are some choice conversations I desire to share that the Kingdom of God has shared with me over many years concerning my assignment into The Pit. Archives
December 2019
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