You're going to have to **** And I'm not trying to make it sound like it’s impossible to do because it is very possible, it’s all very possible. But the ***, that's what you're going to have to work on a little bit; it’s not going to come as easy as the ***. You're just going to have to work on those two things; it’s not like its going to be difficult at all. . . Some things are going to come very easy, some things you're going to have to work on. You're going to have to knock, pray, you’re going to have to cry, you know. . . You're going to have to make some effort behind getting the other two, but the first one is going to come real easy. So, the ***. . . you don't even have to worry about that, matter of fact when you see it manifesting in your life you're going to be a little tickled because its gonna' kinda' catch you off guard but once you actually realize what's going on you're going to flow even better in it and. . . It’s for the “church” even though it’s coming from you, through you, its for the "church" so you're going to use that for the Body. And it’s going to tickle you a little once you realize . . . wow . . . that you're able to do this thing. And I don't see you getting "beside yourself" so that's why you're going to flow so well in it, because you're going to handle it maturely. You're going to handle it in a very very mature way, so you don't have to worry about that at all. I'm anticipating it manifesting in your life. . . And when it does and how you're going to respond. Again, I'm looking forward to it because it’s not going to affect your balance. Now, everybody knows that the gifts and the callings are without repentance but they also know that it is for The Body but, it’s not always used for The Body in the pure, unadulterated way. . .the way it should be but, I'm pleased to say; that's not going to be your problem. . . You're going to use them accordingly. All the *** that's going to take place while you are there. . . It’s all for The Body. And it doesn't take away from anybody’s gifts and callings, it enhances it. And everybody has their part to play and as everybody begins to move in their area, everyone begins to move in their gift, as everybody begins to function together, it makes a very***. Now, when all these things begin to click, click, click and just come together. . .! MIRACLES! Miracles are going to happen, in that body, for that body but, it takes everybody getting in line, including yourself; you still have much that needs to manifest in your life. . . You have a lot more and when I say “a lot more " I mean the gifts need to manifest in your life and as the gifts manifest in your life and you adjust. First of all you need to take heed that they are working in your life. You can't be up there ignorant to the fact that God is using you in a certain area, so you have to be mature, it’s a maturing that has to happen in YOU.
I'm not saying it’s not going to happen, I'm saying that's how you're going to be able to flow the way that you're going to be able to flow, because you're going to be mature about it. . . Even at your age you're going to be mature about it that's why the man and woman of God said " That you are going to teach others, you’re going to teach the elders (those that are aged in the gospel), You’re going to teach the young children, you're going to teach those that are just coming in because you're going to have a maturity about yourself, that's why the ****, so it’s the maturity that’s going to balance you. It’s the loss of maturity most of the time that causes a problem in the Body, because they loose their maturity, they go to taking the gifts for granted, they use them for filthy lucre, they use it for their own personal use, they use them out of the will of God, they try to stir them up on a moment when they are not even in the right position to do these things and that's where everything starts going down hill because they are losing the maturity, they are losing their maturity "beginning " . In their beginning they were very humble, in the beginning they were very nervous about it, in the beginning they would try to double check themselves to make sure that they didn't do anything wrong but, now that they have**** their maturity starts going down hill and before you know it they don't know how to handle the gift that has been manifested in their life. This is not going to be your problem! You will carry the gifts with maturity. . . That's not going to be your problem. . . You're just gonna have to adjust to how quickly they are going to come, because they are going to come quickly. . . They're going to overtake you. Oh! Don't forget about the jealousy, you're going to feel that thing. I don't want you to forget that as these gifts begin to manifest in you, because they gonna come so quickly, their going to overtake you, you're going to feel the jealousy and it’s nothing you can't handle. It’s not like it’s going to be a whole bunch of shoo shooing, not in front your face anyway. The **** that’s going to manifest and all the other *** is for the Body. There's no "me" gift and “my” gift, the gifts are for the Body, the gifts are from God. **** **** Its not their fault, its not their fault, because of the places they come from because everyone comes from a different *** and as they come, they are coming with a different mindset but its going to be the environment and the word that's going to go forth that's going to change all that. There are some things you should not even worry about or even have thoughts about because, those things are not in your control, there's no way you can sit down and have a thought, you cannot even think hard enough to add an inch to your height you know what I'm saying, because there are certain things that you cannot do a thing about it. Now you can pray about it. It’s like people get all hot and bothered about situation and circumstances and they can't do anything about it. Comments are closed.
(*) untranslated wordDescriptionWithin this page you will read words of: GUIDANCE and INSTRUCTION that I received from The Kingdom of God as Angelic Messengers spoke with to me and additional teachings. Archives
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