Angels and demons

angels_and_demons__preface_of_topic_.pdf | |
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angels_and_demons.pdf | |
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the ark of the covenant
Elder shares the importance of understanding and making Psalms 119 your daily devotion and the important insight of the Ark of Covenant

the_ark_of_testimony.pdf | |
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affliction doesn't hinder the gifts from moving
This teaching shares about Personal Afflictions and how GOD aide your weakness be encouraged

affliction_doesnt_hinder_the_gifts_from_moving.pdf | |
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we need a word from the lord
The below file will encourage and will bring peace of mind of the FATHERS desire to speak to the church and ONE on ONE with you.

we_need_a_word_from_the_lord.pdf | |
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the gift unknown tongues - prophecy which is greater in the church
This is Elder Debbie Starks the below file shares the revelation of Apostle that the whole body needs to function in spiritually gifts of the HOLY GHOST without prejudice

the__gift__unknown_tongue_-_prophesy_which_is_greater_in_the_church__.pdf | |
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stop throwing scriptural shade
The below file teaches husband and wives why the misuse of holy scripture can be a door to HELL on EARTH

stop_throwing_scriptural_shad.pdf | |
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death is not the end
The below file shares the Truth about those that will resurrected and those that will not.

death_is_not_the_end.pdf | |
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wall of fire
This is Elder Debbie Starks the below file “WALL of FIRE “is base on practical living within the Glory Flames of God protection. A seamless interpretation of King David Psalm 91

wall_of_fire.pdf | |
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element of unbelief
The below file “Element of Unbelief “ addresses the basic truth that FAITH is not BLIND , but that proof beyond doubt must be achieved.

element_of_unbelief.pdf | |
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ghosts in the house - who you gonna call
The below file “Ghost in the house who ya gonna call “ ! Address the basic truth OUR AUTHORITY works in EVERY LOCATION (8/16/2022)

ghost_in_the_house_who_ya_gonna_call_.pdf | |
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exactly what is the sin of the world
“Sin of the WORLD “helps to correct your footing into the promise of God. Without TRUTH no one will enter, but BY TRUTH you will be judged.

exactly_what_is_the_sin_of_the_world.pdf | |
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here's your bowl to wash your hands of the blood of the innocent man
Elder Debbie Starks teaching “ Here’s your bowl to wash your hand of the blood of the innocent man

here’s__your_bowl_to_wash_your_hands__{_for_the_blood_of_the_innocent_man}.pdf | |
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understanding why the holy bible is written
Is it authentic or fake? Knowing by these books the generations of mankind will be ruled and judged.

understanding_why_the_holy_bible_is_written.pdf | |
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Rules of engagement to adults and children...beware

necromancy__[rules_of_engagement].pdf | |
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are you struggling to follow your leader
A dream - vision an answer from the ANCIENT of DAYS concerning LEADERS

are_you_struggling_to_follow_your_leader_.pdf | |
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Elder Debbie shares how laws , precepts and statutes governs LOVE

love.pdf | |
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long road back to glory
Sin and disobedience can cause a timeline to alter and delay the moving with the GLORY
visiting day for prisoners
The below file “Visiting Day for Prisoners “addresses the basic truth that Our Personal savior’s LOVE is Eternal

visiting_day_for_prisoners.pdf | |
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if houses of god were as playgrounds
The teaching insight the need to build the kingdom as the parable of Jesus states so it would have its likeness and resemblance

if_houses_of_god_were_as_playgrounds.pdf | |
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spiritual illiteracy
Elder shares an earlier message of Apostle Paul about spiritual ignorance

spiritual_illiteracy.pdf | |
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jesus reveals what it would be like to follow him
Elder shares what it be like if you follow Jesus

jesus_reveals_what_it_will_be_like_if_you_follow_him.pdf | |
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thus say the lord

thus_says_the_lord.pdf | |
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Dwell together in unity
This teaching is necessary that all members can flow and calling and gift s given may have liberty

dwell_together_in_unity_.pdf | |
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no room at the inn
Holy Spirit comes to worship and testify of Jesus and we have service as usual and turn the lights out leaving Him still sitting.

no_room_at_the_inn.pdf | |
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a father's test all along
Could we have missed the great revelation by only seeing the earthly examples? Father GOD preparing HIS SON for KINGSHIP.

a_father’s_test_all_along_.pdf | |
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the accountability of elders
We HONOR the person that’s not walking HONORABLY

the_accountability_of_elders.pdf | |
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do you have power after you fast
Jesus returned from his GOD driven Fast with power . Where’s yours ?

do_you_have_power_after_your_fast.pdf | |
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sinners have souls too
We have forgotten the Harvest is ready

sinners_have_souls_too_.pdf | |
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the price of freedom
Jesus is GRACE and TRUTH. HE makes US all FREE INDEED

the_price_of_freedom_.pdf | |
File Size: | 81 kb |
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family planning
The below file “Family Planning “ addresses the basic truth that the bad don’t make the good happen, But the Goodness of GOD does.

family_planning.pdf | |
File Size: | 197 kb |
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