The writings within this book are true, they are testimonies released from the individual souls (DECEASED – DEAD PERSONS) men, women and children who have “passed-on” and stepped into Eternity in The Pit (HELL). The words written are the conversations/testimonies/words released with added detailed descriptions (to the best of my natural ability) of what I, Tina Mary Martin, saw with my eyes and heard with my ears while on Assignment in The Pit. While actively moving in this Assignment I have been given permission by The Almighty God – Creator of all things seen and unseen - to ask the souls their name, where they died, how they died and their Nationality - implying that I might hear:
My name is Mickey and I’m Jamaican, me and my cousin Donald was heading to Cheyenne Wyoming, when we got into a big argument behind some money. He pulled over on I10 and Bullard, we got out the truck, he got in my face saying what’s not gonna happen - and he shot me in the stomach and left me.
If the soul has given me their full name, nickname, street name, childhood name - then that name is written. If the soul had birthmarks, tattoos, or body piercings (to which I have been given permission to see) – I have given the description of what I saw to the best of my natural ability. If the soul revealed to me any activity (lifestyle) they had which led up to their death – that has been added to the writings.
NO WORDING within this book has been pulled from any past, present, alive, or dead biblical or non-biblical Authors,’ Co-authors,’ Writers,’ Scribes,’ Students’ or Teacher's existing writings - be it published or non-published. By reading this book (you/the purchaser/borrower) understand that you may read of relatives,’ friends,’ neighbors,’ acquaintances,’ co-workers’ near and far, present, and past secrets and acts that you had no knowledge of, - they have "taken these things to the grave" (as it is said in the land.) Some of the souls may know truths that may expose matters of those who presently be in your household – truths of: family-ancestral and tribal curses, murders, individual and pact suicides, burglaries, rapes of adults and children, molestation of adults and children, acts of bestiality, abusive imprisonments of people and animals, abandonment of children by mothers and fathers, abortions, sins of grandfathers and grandmothers, cult involvements, kidnappings of children and adults, arson to buildings which caused the death of another and more; - again; some which may expose truths of those who are presently in your household.
(You/the purchaser/borrower) is to FULLY UNDERSTAND that there are to be NO ATTEMPTS to challenge, intimidate, inquire, search out, threaten, or contact any of the Handpicked Team nor Tina Martin to inquire of things written within. The reporting/writing of what was seen or heard is simply a reporting - which is no different than what our current popular and non-popular News Media and Social Media practice.
The wording within; are the soul’s testimonies and knowledge of things that took place (as they lived) that they desired to release that may be, in some cases, personal - and intended - to be “private” unto their loved ones, close friends and family or simply to expose truths of “skeletons in the closet”- as it is said. Remember, they are in Hell – forever being tortured and separated from Jesus Christ Our Savior. The “earthly promise” to “keep things secret” is no more. Who killed them, what they were doing when they died, and family secrets are written (if they were released).
The writings within are not to be used to provoke any agency or persons to use for investigations on current, pending, “cold,” unsolved, closed cases or evidence to support any matters that be within any State, Country, County, Continent, Provence, Nation, Territory, Autonomy, Sovereignty, Stateless or Region - be it within the Legal Systems, Courts, Private Investigations, Personal/Private cases, or any other sort now or in the future. It is not to be used to provoke further digital, online, paper or any other search engine resource available to compare, provoke, intimidate, challenge, show cause, show fault, correct/discard, dispute, confront, injure, argue, finalize, open, or close any current, ancient, or outstanding matters in any legal and non-legal facility.
My name is Mickey and I’m Jamaican, me and my cousin Donald was heading to Cheyenne Wyoming, when we got into a big argument behind some money. He pulled over on I10 and Bullard, we got out the truck, he got in my face saying what’s not gonna happen - and he shot me in the stomach and left me.
If the soul has given me their full name, nickname, street name, childhood name - then that name is written. If the soul had birthmarks, tattoos, or body piercings (to which I have been given permission to see) – I have given the description of what I saw to the best of my natural ability. If the soul revealed to me any activity (lifestyle) they had which led up to their death – that has been added to the writings.
NO WORDING within this book has been pulled from any past, present, alive, or dead biblical or non-biblical Authors,’ Co-authors,’ Writers,’ Scribes,’ Students’ or Teacher's existing writings - be it published or non-published. By reading this book (you/the purchaser/borrower) understand that you may read of relatives,’ friends,’ neighbors,’ acquaintances,’ co-workers’ near and far, present, and past secrets and acts that you had no knowledge of, - they have "taken these things to the grave" (as it is said in the land.) Some of the souls may know truths that may expose matters of those who presently be in your household – truths of: family-ancestral and tribal curses, murders, individual and pact suicides, burglaries, rapes of adults and children, molestation of adults and children, acts of bestiality, abusive imprisonments of people and animals, abandonment of children by mothers and fathers, abortions, sins of grandfathers and grandmothers, cult involvements, kidnappings of children and adults, arson to buildings which caused the death of another and more; - again; some which may expose truths of those who are presently in your household.
(You/the purchaser/borrower) is to FULLY UNDERSTAND that there are to be NO ATTEMPTS to challenge, intimidate, inquire, search out, threaten, or contact any of the Handpicked Team nor Tina Martin to inquire of things written within. The reporting/writing of what was seen or heard is simply a reporting - which is no different than what our current popular and non-popular News Media and Social Media practice.
The wording within; are the soul’s testimonies and knowledge of things that took place (as they lived) that they desired to release that may be, in some cases, personal - and intended - to be “private” unto their loved ones, close friends and family or simply to expose truths of “skeletons in the closet”- as it is said. Remember, they are in Hell – forever being tortured and separated from Jesus Christ Our Savior. The “earthly promise” to “keep things secret” is no more. Who killed them, what they were doing when they died, and family secrets are written (if they were released).
The writings within are not to be used to provoke any agency or persons to use for investigations on current, pending, “cold,” unsolved, closed cases or evidence to support any matters that be within any State, Country, County, Continent, Provence, Nation, Territory, Autonomy, Sovereignty, Stateless or Region - be it within the Legal Systems, Courts, Private Investigations, Personal/Private cases, or any other sort now or in the future. It is not to be used to provoke further digital, online, paper or any other search engine resource available to compare, provoke, intimidate, challenge, show cause, show fault, correct/discard, dispute, confront, injure, argue, finalize, open, or close any current, ancient, or outstanding matters in any legal and non-legal facility.